Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Battle Of Evermore: The Arrival of Avianominus : Chapter 6

As Creaflueetes entered the crystal door

There took place much a loving uproar

All rushed toward an embrace tight­

All but the composed goddess of light


She knew not what thus held her back

Nor what her conscience did then lack

Why she should not have then rejoiced

In her mind what strange voice voiced 


Eventually struck sudden terror true

Gradually trickling a denser future grew

Thus she began to understand afresh

How Scrizoaan had made a grand mess


Her love for her nieces rang out qualms

Sweat soaked her beautiful body and arms

Uncertainty, unsurity, did she see ahead

All her body was paralyzed with dread


Her eyes still bright, lovingly could see

In that embrace a certain northerly breeze

One that bears of the north speak ‘bout

One that leads to warm summer clouds


How great would be the pool of blood?

How many would be peddled in mud?

She wondered why this fate had arrived

Would all angels one bright morning die?


The anger that at the beginning had dawned

Gently eased off as crystal concern fawned

She could not move even though she wished

But then certain voices in her ears fished


Swam smoothly into all angel ears soft

The sky was shrouded with bodies loft

Fluttering, chirping the flying legions

Voices eager to understand the reasons


Why all of nature had been beckoned?

What immoral fate had reckoned

As with the voices got closer to the eye

The bodies took shape as they fly


There appeared a glorious eagle grey

In the color of clouds; blue eyes inlay

Wide wings hovering in half the sky

Its call a soothing irreversible cry


Feathers stroked with shades of white

Its beak filled with unfathomable spite

Could bite off the great tower of Babel

Under its wrath nothing stood stable


While atop it sat the maiden of birds

The beautiful princess of airborne herds

Beauty exceeding the realms of thought

Like in those soft wide dreams begot


The goddess of birds, Avianominous

Had flown from above the adobe of Zeus

From above that golden steeple of age

From above that glimmering seat of rage


There were no gods that danced in this dome

There was nothing that angered or foamed

There was only nature that stood today

And man who fought with his lipid grey 


The goddess smiled and waved complying

White angel wondering why all were dying

Nothing seemed sure to even her knowledge

Nothing—nothing—knowledge was porridge


Tasteless, feelingless, gulped down the throat

Inane knowledge had made man a goat

The scapegoat of corruption incomputable

Why didn’t it prove itself immaculate, able? 


Though the accurate reason she knew not

She knew there would be one reason what,

Only Scrizoaan could call such wonders

Only his guile could put lives asunder


With similar thoughts she neared the crystal

A gesture towards, she commanded the eagle

Flung swiftly as the wide window neared

On angry feet landed with spirit geared


There was much rejoicing at her ingress

But she ventured straight to the empress

Ignoring the whispering angels present

She requested softly what all this meant?   


Much touched by the anxiety in her voice

The goddess was left not much choice

But she had to wait till the others arrived

Thus toward an answer she strived


“My concerned, disturbed, Avianominous

I beseech that you should await with us

The arrival of your remaining sister

Then shall we discuss why all is bestir,


Though it wouldn’t be unjust to let you know

That Scrizoaan has caused much of this crow

He preaches and wishes to end all of nature

And thus we are poised to save our future.”


Upon hearing this she was not surprised

But deep down in her something slowly died

She had been very close to this god of man

So even better she could now understand


His plight, his words, and his way of life

His only lust was to gloriously survive

Her brother she had played with as a child

Now waited to war against nature riled.

Whats Wrong?

Let me put this straight. My grandmother was a really educated woman; not that she’s dead or anything, just that that education has sortta boggled her head up a bit. Like you know sometimes it leads you astray, like Morrison and all, don’t get me wrong. She’s not on drugs and all, rather she’s keeping pinker then its possible to be, just the sort of pink we expected the other person to be when we wrote those letters in our English exams back in our days, but there’s something that’s not right. I mean at times she just excretes such I-don’t-know-what-sort of thoughts that I start to wonder if this concept of education is appropriate at all. I know we have had some really great men, and though some countrymen would argue that we have not just had ‘some’ and would include Gandhi and all, but that goes over me, nevertheless let them have their way. But what I am getting at is what sort of an education system do we have, the prominent question being “is it reliable?”


I mean I was at this funeral some years ago, and since someone in the family had died, everyone I could think of and didn’t want to was assembled in that whitewashed room. God have mercy on those walls for they did hear a lot during those days. And its all alright keeping a light heart and all, and you know we all have to die someday sort of a philosophy, but don’t atleast start to gossip. That’s all I say. I mean I would rather not go to a funeral, then to go there and gossip, it completely contradicts the purpose of the visit. Anyways there I was pretending to sleep on a sofa, because the ceremony was to go on for a mutilatingly long time as it happens in most Hindu ceremonies. Seriously, those ancients that actually wrote our ceremonies probably thought that we were never going to progress, and probably have all the time in the world forever. Though I don’t really think that most of us have really broken their hearts, but that’s just a joke. Anyways, there I was pestered beyond the parables of pesterdom and awaiting the burial of the day. Just wanted to write that line.


All of a sudden the topic changed from something that had to do with two women who were neighbors and were spying on each other without the other knowing (them both being my distant aunts), to something that had to do with education. And my grandmother. Ha! started. I don’t mean like she was shocked or anything, by started I mean a monologue. She started to speak. Many of my fellow Indians would be able to relate to this incident; I refer to those that have survived these soliloquies, for those that haven’t my most humble charkhas on republic day. All Indian grandmothers are prime ministers and presidents in disguise.


“I have often thought that someone should do something about the rate of education in this country”, thus she began and proceeded “I don’t know what happened to all those dreams that our fathers told us about from the time of independence.” And now was to come the dreadful moment. “These youngsters are not willing to do anything.” La lalalala. I started to hum in my mind. “They do not take any constructive steps, just whining and mopping about who’s going to become the next prime minister. Stupid economic problems that pop up from no where and settle down into nothingness before anyone ever heard of it. I think this new generation is too guile to be trusted. They concoct things like this economic slowdown, and not enough food to capture the vote bank. Whatever happened to the green revolution?” Here I realized that her knowledge had faltered. I mean she had sure heard of the green revolution, but then she hadn’t heard of what happened. Anyways I parted my sleeping lips and whispered that the green revolution was a success in individuality, but because of the population explosion it had become a failure. And that was that.


“That is why I am telling you that education is a basic necessity, in fact ‘education is my birth right and I shall have it’ should be the slogan of the decade. We must take extra steps to educate the uneducated. Look how well this education has proved for me!” All eyes closed half and heads ducked lightly in approval. Smiles from all sides. This is another thing I don’t get. In their hearts they must be cursing her for her education. All those powerful women. But when she spots them on they just listen to her. They sure did want to say a lot but didn’t.


Then bravo to her sister. She was married to a very powerful man and didn’t have the slightest care in the world. She merely took these speeches as vanity, and I think that’s a woman. Most politely she asked for some tea as my grandmother went on about the good that education does to a persons mind and all that, herself included. She also did not forget to mention the good it would do to farmers and their children, and that children that do not want to study should be beaten up. While this last topic really took her mind to the extremes, the tea was served. And this is why I say bravo to her sister because just as the she was served her tea, she asked.


“Arre Ramu, you have been helping my sister for a very long time, but I don’t think there must be much to do in the house since all the children have moved out?”


Ramu venturing to make the mistake, “Not much madam.”


“Ohk”, she whispered softly and began to smile.

Monday, February 09, 2009