Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Flutter Of The Butterfly

Now our history will be glorified
So, now our men can rape their daughters and sisters in broad day-light”

- Danish Jamal

The day has begun again
Yet again it has begun
With the sound of
Of thundering guns
The day has begun.

The marching patriots:
Patriots marching towards
The seas of land that they
Shall waste at hand
And hand the dead
As they march for

They will meet men with guns
Guns with men, and women
Hurt, naked women; defenseless
And the patriots shall march
Above the men
And around the women.

The guns shall march
And bullets shall march
And the petals shall tremble
As the solders march
And blood shall flow
From the mouth of men
And wombs of women.

The sounds of glory:
The glorious sound
Has defended the patriot
Of the scream of the butterfly
The women that moan and
Flutter, before they fly.

But its all justified:
Justified it is
For in the name of a country
They fight
And fight it is.

"Those that survive are willed to die at a more brutal hour
Amongst more pain and agony,
That is the purpose of war. To conquer lands _ empty lands."

Ripples Of Collections Of Those Things

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