Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Game Design - Level One (Basic Blocking)

* This is the first level of a game that I am developing as a portfolio project...This is the basic blocking of where things will be and all that. This is not how its going to look though. The characters are yet to be designed. Shall upload the more refined pictures when they are done. There are lots of pub scenes in the game..hahahahahha :P :P...alchohol I cant leave you I think. :D

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hera With Her Nine Lives

There is a shiver all around

Whiskers tonight twine no sound

Her wrath she calmly caresses

Until her heart it pleases.

O’ Hera with your nine lives

Give me one without question

I seek but the music of your tongue

And the wisdom of its knives.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Birth

The eggs turned into fingers

Thoughts turned to hyena

Songs turned women

And men made beds.

The End.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Kiss Of The Cat

She smiled from across the street. Her smile the morning call of birds in a deep and elderly forest: candles in a morning. Smile that makes smile in bad times. Accident of the gods; in their rash evil creations, there they created unnoticed beauty. Sublime and gentle: happiness. And then cursed man for it: their mistake.

- Candles flickered in the morning light

Oblivious that they were ignored

The change in temperament they understood not

For at night they shall much be adored.

Her purpose was quite simple. Her heart was full. In her love for coffee, she strode towards it. Modern capitalist achievements, bars serving coffee.

The building was new, it was glazing through and through. The ground floor was called Sista-The Coffee Bar. Her destination. Coffee gave her a sense of belonging, it gave her freedom in those minute moments of sipping. Everywhere she went people stared at her, at her smile. But this was the only time when she was oblivious to the piousness of those eyes. The want of them; the jealousy.

She entered the immaculately clean glass door and softly spotted a seat for herself in the far left corner of the room. Her coffee immediately arrived.

- Cat’s kiss to the brown coffee

Her smile for a pending life given

Thus she kissed the brown china cup

And nothing was ever in my heart the same.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wishes Upon A Tree

There was a lonely young boy

Who wished upon a tree,

His wish not for a toy

His wish not to be free

He wished all his loneliness fall

Come true just one dream

When the boy became a young man

He went back to the tree

Took a little of the lying sand

And recalled his vivid dream

His wish not fulfilled

Unsatisfied, he went to the stream

There stood he by the stream

He wished upon its placid roar

He wished again his vivid dream

His dream swam to the river floor

Though alive in nature so it seemed

Disheartened he closed his hearts door

There was once that young man

And he seemed to have gotten on

His dream forgotten as best as can

His hopes seemed to have left and gone

He thought he tried

He thought he moved on

But this young man knew not nature

Knew not surprises sweet of its bosom

Just one morning his wish ruptured

And his dream drew forth a kingdom

There came forth a princess

Smiled and she kissed him on his lips.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I Am Afraid

Today I saw it in their faces

Their smiles hiding their death

How fearful they all are

How uncertain in their steps

There were plenty

Crowding here and there

Blankly staring at whatever

Didn’t know where was where

Today I saw all of their empty faces

I saw all of their deadly smiles

The truth that had escaped me for so long

Today I saw it in their eyes

All the death inevitable

All the truth that we are blind to

Everything came flashing to me

Today I saw a million miles

Today I saw death smiling

And now I must prepare

For in their ignorance they do not know

But I am afraid.

Today I looked up at the empty skies

And I was; am afraid.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wooden Room

* Its unbelievable how heavy a machine one needs to process textures on 3d system just crumbles even after 2 GB! no! don't take me wrong, I am not showing off that I have 2 GB RAM...ha ha! This one was an elaborate plan that didn't work...I had thought of something of a shack look with doors that as in homes...a mismatch sort of thing. And tables and bottles sort of thing. But I couldn't even render this you can see, the cask is still in its early stage...coz my super computer decided to fly off instead!

* The Image is custom render...Too heavy Too heavy I tell you!!

Study Room Render

* This is a setting of a room with lights...Just trial...No texture yet! I dont think I will put any either...Probably somewhere else!
Camera - Vistavision, Aperture- 37.719

Sunday, November 08, 2009

The Art of Human Memory

There were drops on chests and breasts

That fell from blood swollen eyes

They fell for they were burning the dead

Under cloudy stormy skies

Some were promises, some were friends

Some brothers and some wives

They were all charred the same way

Either bombed or butchered by knives

And those tears made further promises

Never would we forget their love

Thus they brought back the burning dead

Resurrecting black charred doves

Those bodies they sat up on their pyre

Weeping and requesting with dead smiles

"Why make ghost of us until eternity

Please forget us for a while."

But no word, no sound, no prayer was heard

None by the black weeping clan

None of them would stop to mourn

Such was their illogical plan

Though they would plainly carry on

And reminiscing as of some broken jewelry

The wretched ghosts would be called

For this is the art of human memory

No peace to the dead, no peace in life

No one understands why a ghost never smiles

Forget the legends the great the dead

For memory wretchedly is more servile

Those bodies they sit up on their pyre

Weep and request with dead smiles

"Why make ghost of us until eternity

Please, o’ please forget us for a while."

Thursday, October 29, 2009

It was late last night was a Sunday

We planned our course through talk

Our friends, and friends and friends of theirs

Moaned how life was not a walk.

My friend

The queen of melody


Aye’ how you go

Through tunnels

Of twisted memories

Singing them old

Sung oads.

Then John walked in to the room

And Peter smiled like a shark

They made themselves a wonder-drink

Then slowly got shoved in a park.

Singin’ your songs

Queen of melody


O’ how you go

Through tunnels

Of twisted memories

Singing them old

Sung oads.

While Lilly casually touched the laptop

Over her shoulder stood Bob

Stroking her back with his finger

Searching her beating hearts throb.

They wanted a quite place to love

They called themselves the crowd

Then couldn’t find a place in privacy

Hid their lust in smiles and shrouds.

Sing me your songs

Queen of melody


O’ how you go

Through tunnels

Of twisted memories

Singing them old

Sung oads.

I got myself a whiskey for free

And sat in the middle of the room

Curses swam in drunken lisps

All around sat drunken buffoons

They said the world had rotten out

They discussed the politics of it all

Eyeing the narrow eyes meanwhile

Hoping on his words they would fall

Sing me your songs

Queen of melody


O’ how you go

Through tunnels

Of twisted memories

Singing them old

Sung oads.

And we closed the night hand in hand

We swam to the hour of the morn

Drifting in fits of anger and rage

Thought we escaped times old call

Parting with sharing their numbers

Promises to party again

Some whiskey and tonic and words fake

Shall fall from their mouths wide strain.

Sing me a song

Queen of melody

One that

Soothes me tonight

Aye, how desolate

In this world I feel

Sing me

And comfort my eyes.

Sing me your songs

Queen of melody


O’ how you go

Through tunnels

Of twisted memories

Singing them old

Sung oads.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

What Ho?

- Hold up! I’m the one who needs to talk. And I might as well get done with it before I start drinking.

- What?

-What, ho?

- Look all these conversations of money and all that, they don’t lead to nowhere

- Right!

- What, ho?

- I mean, money Is easy. It was difficult when there were barons and all that, but today, its all about the way you talk.

- And its coz you can talk

- What, Ho?

- No you dumb bastards, you still haven’t figured who you are, have you?

- What do you mean?

- He He He

- Right for one person; he has understood! But why not you?

You see you haven’t understood who you are. And there lies the fault. When I was there with you, I used to think I had lack of exposure. No NO No. it wasn’t that, it was lack of space. You see. We had all the exposure. But we all had it, so we had lack of space. We didn’t have a big enough environment to fit us in. but once you get out of it. There is no exposure. There is no environment. Money is easy. It is there, and it isn’t, because it doesn’t matter. What matters is there is no competition. Coz that environment is missing. It’s a full circle. And a small one at that. And its tough to understand. But….what ho! You haven’t figured out, have you? Money doesn’t run us anymore. We have escaped. We are larger. Sorry as it might be. What Ho?

Monday, September 07, 2009


Her habits…

- The strange thing with habits is that they take you for granted. Stick to you like a leach. Irritating, stubborn, painful, and full of excuses.

…were so irritating. She would put on her headphones as soon as I entered. It started after we got married. But that’s just one of the smaller mistakes we made together; marriage. The larger…let’s not. In her room, sitting at her desk, writing as always. Her headphones. That was her habit.

Mine. It was different. I had my headphones on, whether she be there or not. Oh! The sweet taste of music. Food or no food. Music I had to have. It put in more energy in me then all the food in the world would ever. And then of course the night calls. But I told her about it even before we started going out. How was it my fault, if I was a super hero! Can you blame me? I was born with special powers, and I needed music to sustain them. All the wretched criminals had run off: Yes! I was good at my work. But…

…she always thought it was wrong. I shouldn’t have been a hero to the world. She wanted me for herself. Her hero.

How it happens…

…we always realize things way too late. I should have taken them off at home. Even if we didn’t have something to talk about, at least I should have held her hand and sat quietly. That would have done much good as well. But habit! Parasites! They make you blind. Blind-er then love.

They gave me the letter smeared with blood.

“You were my perfect hero, fate made our lives imperfect.

Love always.

Two drops of whiskey

One touch of wine.”

Why my woman, even Curt Cobain had a better reason to die for, stupid as it might have been.

Habits! Habits! Habits!

Shucks! Frustrating habits!

- Love the worst of habits,

loss the final conclusion.

Super hero or no superhero!

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Flash Of Genius

She rolled up her sleeve.

- What ho? , I said, with my head swinging to my forehead to finally make that slap sound. She was going to start again.

- They do it very often. Probably the alcohol ignites their souls. Fuming with rage, with heads held high they move forward to conquer the world. Ding-Ding-Ding! The world has already been conquered. But don’t remind them. These verbal vomits don’t lead anywhere.

- What ho? , I said again.

- Why is it that you think there is no god? , She had rolled up her sleeve. Eight pegs. Thats too damn rolling hard.

- Because he cannot save me from this argument right now!

Friday, September 04, 2009

I Am Tired

I am tired o' sweeping pain
Your torture is much too much
How you push upon without refrain
How you trouble with a smiling touch.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It Is Never So Serene In Our Day!

* This is the first 3D image from my max fact this is after the first class...the objects in the image have been made only from boxes, spheres, cones and cylinders...we weren't supposed to make anything else...and I think that after a Long time something turned out well..;D...and just to put it on record..I didn't submit my 2D (Photoshop) exam..ha! ha! ha! Mogambo khush hua!!

This here, by the way, is a classroom, probably a science room...and those are the nine planets...I still like to believe that there are nine has no textures, nothing...the colors are the max default colors on objects...rendered in a 35mm camera!! that is the only thing I was not supposed to use...but a camera always renders better, so I used it never the less! Smart! bhary bhary smart!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Final Assigment!!! (Complete Rip-off)

* I have been stuggling very hard to figure this out...But the thing is that I have been looking at it for 3 days now...Can't detect what is wrong..though I know something is majorly amiss!! WTF!! have to submit it tomorow morning...I know its better then what people are going to come up with..but I really wanted it to be realistic...But i fucked up at the shirt ...even the hair is ohk...I think its the shirt that needs to be resketched... But Dont havet the time...and dont know where to correct it...this is my last attempt at any correction...will start the next one now...have to finish it tonight!! Sunday night is gone to the dogs!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Final Assigment!!! (Complete)

* Dont know how its turned out...Been looking at it for too long..C&C please!!

Final Assigment!!! (Part 3)

* Holy shit ho gaya, walaaaa wala! The hand turned out fine, infact I tried a bit texture as well...its not as smooth as the face..tried to give it an actual skin feel..but the shirt!!! holy shit ho gaya, walaaa wala! Now what to do...Cant change it...Wont be able to finish it by tomorow...and the hair is stil left...So if anyone can point out a any particular area that I might change and make it look natural..please sm me!! and please vote for me if you want me to become the next indian idol! I am so excite!! :D :D

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Final Assigment!!! (Part 2)

* Crap theres still so much left! And I have one more to go...Stretch the hours man!! strecth it! C&C on the guitar please....Bon, mehak, pupp, riddhi, reha, iong, does it look like a real guitar at all? or does it look like its been sketched? Eggjam ka sawaal hai!!

Final Assigment!!!

* This is the final assignment for my photoshop class that I have to submit on monday...The irony is that photoshop is an image editing software...and matt painting is the only thing that I dont know how to make...hahhaa...funny!! as for the digital...This is as far I have reached in two days...But I am loving it...It's real fun...Hoping that it'll turn out well...and there's another that I have to make...its supposed to be a BG thing...havent thought about it...and since am bad with matt am going to make that a digital aswell...but what??...any suggestions for a background sketch..could be a delapitated city or anything...a stormy sea...floating ice...anything...suggest!! suggest!!

Thursday, July 09, 2009

The Mob Theory (Draft One)

There are three sorts of people: Me, You and Them. You when faced with mediocrity try to lift it. Make futile attempts to raise the intellectual, social and cultural conditions of the mob. Whereby you are faced with desperate failure, for even when you do succeed in changing a group to your will, they always assume a distorted view of the change that you had predetermined and hence corrupt the change in its root, thus causing degradation. Watching this failure you question, and upon the answer you try desperately not to become them. You try not to lose hope. It is this passion that you have mingled with that abominable lipid of hope in your brain that predestines the failure of your will.

Them, they think in their misled, misguide, yet satisfied emotions and intellect that you and I are crazy. That you are trying to beguile and manipulate them in their innocence. Thus their hatred and misjudgment toward you is justified in the larger balance of this chaos. They, the mob, believe in nothing so passionately as you and me. Nothing! Not even survival. For them even that is a mere cruel consequence of the life that was a sordid gift to them by some unimaginably decadent force. Hence you and I become unimaginable and difficultly crazy.

Me, I belong to the class that is you but for one that has travelled too far. Places not safe: And what doesn’t kill you makes you a whole lot stranger. Hence I put on the veil of proclamation of the term crazy. Now, for both of us this assumption is false, that we are not intellectually capable of concocting things that the mob can. No! It is a simple fact that we think beyond them that makes us lose that balance with the abominable normality of the mob. They cannot understand me because I don’t make any attempts to let them. They forsake me because of their fear for the unknown, the unpredictable. What they fail to understand is that I am more predictable then their rotting schemes. That there in me lies the true identity of chaos: Uncontrolled and unparalleled. And that there is more order in this chaos then there is in their little schemes. For it has a common affection with the larger, infinite chaos of this universe. I leave them to themselves; the idea that is followed by everything that is not human in the universe. That purpose is a word derived out of human meanings, for the human intellect. But even you, who are so similar to me, cannot see that, you cannot let it be, you want even me besides our various similarities to be your mirror image. And that is the failure of your passion.

And here again our ways coincide: it is because I don’t care and am passionate, and you care too much and are passionate that we are alike. It is here that an unstoppable force (you) meets an immovable force (me) and thus creates insurmountable power in our collision. It is this power that the mob worships, you corrupt and I don’t care about. And it is here that the actual order of things are put into place. We complete each other. I will not let you corrupt me with your small changes, you will not let me or them be, and they will never understand this in their mediocrity.

The problem here, though, is not mediocrity, it can’t be a problem. The problem is an unstable passion for stability and order. And it is a problem because that in the infinite measure of things is a falsification of the reality we live in. The problem is Your passion: in your passion you tend to disrupt the actual order of the chaos, and in my lack of attention to it I do it justice. Chaos cannot be controlled, it cannot be harmonized. It can only be enjoyed in my wakefulness, and yours, but not theirs, because they do not understand it. Even that, they will worship and put away in stones. They will make it an idea that is superior to them, instead of accepting it. They will distance it. For them death becomes an inevitable fear. For you and me it is a pleasure cruise to immortality.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

The Joker!

* What a hangover I made this in! hhehee...I am so ashamed that I got drunk on 3 pegs...Imagine!! 3!! and drunk as HOW!! Vodka, I never could digest it...Neways, have my photoshop eggjam tomorrow...and I think I am royally going to fail...reminds me of school..actually it also reminds me of college...hahhaa...the flunking...

I think the only thing that wrked out in the pick was the card and the I think I'll go under depression..I havent got one sketch right, uptill now...

Monday, June 29, 2009

Mehak (One)

* Mehak, I really tried not to make you look like a vampire...but I couldnt resist the temptation...Anyways, vampires are far more sexy then non-vampires....:P :P for the colored thing...thats just time pass...the original is b/w...and mind you this is the first one...there's another one that I have been trying to wrk on...but cant get the eyes right....some problem or the other...C&C please!!