Behind my violent smile
Purple fangs
Bladed jaw
There is nothing;
Nothing worth having.
Curtain Rises
No lights. Voices are heard.
Young Voice (Sad): Will you give me anything I want?
Old Voice: Yes, anything.
Young Voice: I want the sky.
Old voice laughs at the stupidity of the request and asks.
Old Voice (Satirically): And what do you think you would do with it?
Young Voice (Slowly and Plainly): I would take it and leave it to decide if it wants to change or not. I will leave it to its own wish.
The general wants himself caged,
In Bathsheba’s virgin dreams,
He wishes his failures wouldn’t have aged,
With years his conscience mopped and screamed.
So many drunken bullets that spurted,
So many rose colored wounds,
None that he couldn’t have ignored,
But his senses were perfumed.
“General lead us not into your failure,
Conspire not our measured deaths,
For through our innocent curiosity,
Ourselves we shall stop our breaths.”
General in your decayed cage,
A tooth in your green mouth,
How you failed to die yourself,
When war ate up many a sprout?
General with your failed intent,
Tell us of your conspired lie,
What with your white glove now red,
Do you hear them lonely mothers’ cry?
General with your failed greed,
You illusioned many a conquered land,
For when the absent dust had settled,
Mere empty lands in front did stand.
General with you blinking honors,
That shines upon many a framed wall,
Those that lie beneath rose bushes,
Fail to answer to their lovers call.
“General lead us not into that grand darkness,
With your speeches bend not our fragile will,
Generous shall prove our own curiosity,
For certain life shall climb death’s hill.”