Sunday, June 07, 2009

Pupp One!!!

* Another venture with photoshop...I also did the hair and everything but that didnt turn out well...not that this is really good, but that was bad..will give it another try. probably tomorow...So Pupp, what do you say?


riddhiculous said...

love her eyes...

Yuvraj Jha said...

She does have nice eyes in reality aswell...she's very dear friend of mine...and as for everything wrking on one thing at a time...i couldnt get anything right, when i was wrking on all of them at i decided to take them step by step...thanks for the comment tho..havent been able to check your blog lately, tho i know that you have put up stuff...will read them one of these days...but wrks killing me...

riddhiculous said...

its ok.. work..kaam kaam kaam.. hmm huh i am employed too.lolz.. on a bhery serious note haan re work is killenwa for sure.. hope u survive the ordeal..