Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It Is Never So Serene In Our Day!

* This is the first 3D image from my max class...in fact this is after the first class...the objects in the image have been made only from boxes, spheres, cones and cylinders...we weren't supposed to make anything else...and I think that after a Long time something turned out well..;D...and just to put it on record..I didn't submit my 2D (Photoshop) exam..ha! ha! ha! Mogambo khush hua!!

This here, by the way, is a classroom, probably a science room...and those are the nine planets...I still like to believe that there are nine planets...it has no textures, nothing...the colors are the max default colors on objects...rendered in a 35mm camera!! that is the only thing I was not supposed to use...but a camera always renders better, so I used it never the less! Smart! bhary bhary smart!


Untitled said...

Haha!! Is that your mental image of a classroom :D You are from DPS right??!!

Yuvraj Jha said...

very funny! I wasn't supposed to use any modifiers...so I made a kendriya vidyalaya sort of a look..by the way..our first floor...the 7th and 8th section, with the parliament and all..used to look like this...if you remember! hehehe...now what?...just that the solar system wasn't there...and that the colors were different...but i couldn't use any materials..i used default colors...and it renders really bad in white and all in default colors..I dont like it!

Untitled said...

Haha - the Parliament was the best :D I miss school!!

riddhiculous said...

black board looks like a plasma TV screen. And the chair like the cricket wicket... funny looking weird DD serial set it looks.. I mean if u see the static anchor shows on DD. They create a graphic image on computer which is very naturally graphic. And u can make out the photoframe on the wall as the competrised picture and everything is illusion.. whatever..
The point is I don't like it. It is worth being an assignment. because assignments cannot be liked as much..
Why did u make an empty class room?
I like the solar system though