Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Grapes Called Politics

The background has a chroma screen hanging. There are two chairs at some distance from the screen. Comfortable chairs. A multitude of lights are burning from all directions keeping the two chairs as their point of focus. There is pin drop silence and a faint sound of a camera breathing and crew rolling.

On the right seat sits a well shaven man wearing a jet black suit. On the felt there is a hard faced, well poised man also wearing a beautiful carbon black suit. The two are sharing quite some amount of animation between themselves.

Right Seat: Are you trying to tell me that you actually believe everything that you are saying? And…No, hold on let me finish…and that you think that I should also be convinced?

Left Seat: All that I am saying is that you are young and naïve…And that I know this world far better then the innocent comprehensions of your mind. All that I am saying is that people like you are hired to ask questions in closed rooms like these and you attain celebrity status and start thinking that you know it all. Where let me remind you…

Right Seat: (Intrudes) I did not opt for politics, you did…and in that you and all the 499 with you have failed.

Left Seat: Failed? Are you blind! Do you think the economy was injected by a doctor?

Right seat: (Interrupts) Thanks to private ownership…You have not achieved anything except probably brutality, ignorance, sheer humbug arrogance and huge amount of individual money and power.

Left Seat: So you suggest that everyone should be given money and power?

Right Seat: Not money and power! Education! Opportunity! You should make efforts to eradicate poverty and illiteracy from the country.

Left Seat: (Outraged) Do hell with the country. Do you understand what we would make of this country if we give them all money and education?

Right Seat: Make the country more prosperous; leave its people better off. What?

Left Seat: You ignorant fuck! That would be the primary and the single most important brick in the wall of the eventuality of a bloodbath. By being deprived of some things this country is evading a civil war that now atleast to me looks eminent. All I hope to do is to prolong its beginning till whatever day I can.

We politicians are alright. But do you really think? Ask yourself this…that a mass of people who elect us year after year even though they know and see, will be able to handle confusing elements like money and education?

The whole people are damned. None deserves any better or worse then what already is. In a way they have earned their present exactly as they shall eventually earn their future.

Right Seat: (Stands up and starts to clap)

Left Seat: Don’t do that. I am alright. Those fools will elect me again. I am alright. This clapping…Save it for someone else. You are the misfit in this world not me.

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