Friday, November 25, 2011


* Made this website layout yesterday. Kind of like a minimilistic approach to design. Was trying really soft colors, nothing that would stand out: empty spaces and all that. Wanted this website to have the feeling of whiteness. The white was to decorate the information. I have no idea of what it looks like though. So comments and criticism are most welcome. The pages can be modified to fit any business.

The images used on the website are from my inspiration archive. I do not hold any rights for them, though I have forgotten the links to their actual website so I wont be able to put the Hyperlinks.

Home Page
This is the Homepage and can have a quote from the company, something cool that they might have to say about themselves. Here I just typed something because I didn't want to bang my head over text. There could be a logo on the top left of the main bar, but I chose not to put it, gives a cleaner touch to the website.

Products Page
The products will be listed here, mostly photographs of the products. Statisticians believe that 80% Internet users choose pictures over text. I am sure there is a huge non-text market then...Right! Out! There!

Products Page (Hover)
Once that the user places the cursor on the image a brief description of the product will slide in from either side on the picture itself (side still undecided: you decide!) and the image will pop out a bit. Slightly. 

Products Page (Individual)
The product being selected; this page will open up. It will have a detailed description beside the picture (What ever the detail might be!). There is a tiny scroll bar under the image that can be then used to go back and forth between the other products, the products will slide left to right, depending on the scroll.

About Us
This page can have, either a brief description of the company, or, could have individual people in it. The scroll can be applied to this page as well in the latter case. Or both. Company and its top employees. Pictures are a must though. And mind you! Cool Pictures Only. 

I did not add the Contact Us page here, partly because, I haven't made it. And partly because, its almost the same. Any one with a slight imagination can understand what the website will look like. In case any of you want to see the contact page as well. Don't let me know. Because this is just the idea of the layout, one can add as many pages to this as they like. All Customized.  

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