Monday, March 12, 2012

Architectural Rendering [Interior]

— Took about an era to make this one(some 10 hours straight). But by the end of it I think architectural renderings are way easier then anything organic (that being the biggest problem of my life!). Though, I really had to work this one up in Photoshop. All in all, a real fun experiment. [The lighting though might seem a bit dark, but that happened in the importing to jpg.]

Softwares Used:
3DS Max 2010
Photoshop CS4

Saturday, March 10, 2012

red dot tellyworks [Logo Design]

— Here are some of the bloody 55 options that I had not so creatively thought of for this company. I cant believe that these could be so lame.

1. I think I will never like what I make.
2. They never seem to fit any standard.
3. They are just annoyingly like something I must have seen. You know what I mean. 

Anyways, so this company is called red dot tellyworks. There is no reason why it is called that, so I basically had no brief for the logo. It could have been a monkey's arse, given that it looked good. But that would be very bad for their work so I didnt try.

Most of these are layouts, final renderings would be slightly different, with some amount of tones here are there, but the design would mostly be the same.

This one got finalized. And you will see it on your television screens now, before and after those shows that none of us watch. :D

Got selected...Tadang!

The rest are the options. I would like to write about each of them as well. But then there isnt much story to it, was just looking for a nice shape that could be worked on. Pretty Self-Explanatory! Not the brightest designs. [and yes, I am aware that some of them look like designs for chinese restaurants. ha ha ha!]



Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Monday, March 05, 2012

05.03.12 [SpeedPaint]

— Morning Paint.

— As I do more and more of this, I think I need to understand how to mix colors in photoshop. That one brush! although this is how a speed paint is.

The smudge tool dosent work properly. That is not the solution. opacity kills the feel. so there has to be some brush that works for mixing, like in coralDraw. Anyways. This is today. Hopefully I'll be putting up more today.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

04.03.12 [SpeedPaint]

— This was fun. 30 minutes. Though its a bit off in perspective,bu then I never said my perspective was any good without rulers and especially on the wacom. Its no good at all. Anyways, making up for the last two days. this is it. Some more designs coming up.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

01.03.12 [SpeedPaint]

— Todays SpeedPaint. Didnt turn out one bit as expected. color is going to kill me someday. It looks so bad! aaaah! But 30 minutes.