Thursday, January 24, 2013

An Undying Apology

He was a scrawny little boy, holding his heart up close
With his blurry eyes, his hand was holding a red rose
His heart apologized, his tongue to commit he chose
But she wasn't there to accept his apology.

Its changed, its not the same, its different, she said
The sun, the fire, the flames drifted; have burned the bed
Ashes remain where a city of unquenchable dreams stood
The wind and the ashes blurred his crying apology.

One moment its there, the palace of dreams and bone
Then the fire burns, and burns right out of control
The silence clouds the embers that flicker and stroll
And in the silence no one hears his kneeling apology.

What does he say to make amends?
What does he do so the feeling suspend?
Turn back the time, or from ashes build the city once more
Would only happen when nature roar his undying apology.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Texturing Exercise (Uranium Container)

* I Finally managed to texture paint something 'Completely'. All those other attempts had been crushed with one mistake or another. Not that this one turned out perfect. But still.

This is a kind of a nuclear rod container, which might have been lying around and over used. Something that has traveled with its contents around the globe. Hidden.

Criticism is welcome as usual. I also tried come camera effects in Max itself, since I wasnt rendering Passes. Anyhow. Until next time.



Sunday, June 17, 2012

Shading [SpeedPaint]

* Morning SpeedPaint. 
I figured now that I can make straight lines using the wacom, I should move on to form building. So this is the second of the lot. First being yesterday's ball. Which much to anyone's surprise was just a ball. Wallaa! :D

I was more interested in the shadows and highlights, so I didnt care what this turned out to be. But it was supposed to be something of a rock or a mountain. something like that.

Later then.

Kind of like a small pointed rock or something. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

StairWay [int.]

* Finally, I did something for myself. Such a relief it is. 

"If Wooster was to go to old Mr. Little's house today to make him understand that young Mr. Bingo Little's heart had once again been given. I think this would be the kind of staircase he would have to go to take the call, when young Bingo Little would call him." 

Took forever to render.
Forever = 4.5 hours.
Exposure gone wrong. (Apologies.) But I think still a good exercise. 

Dosent look too bad, does it now?

"Good egg, aeye?"

Interior Stairway

Friday, May 18, 2012

Sword [3D Modeling]

* Here comes a Sword. Its based off of some one else's design, though I made changes to it. Take it or leave it. To think of it, the fan is so that while slicing it produces some amount of electricity which puts some charge in the opponents body along with the cut. 

The model is extremely high poly. Above 6,00,000 Polygons or something. Hope to unwrap and texture this in some days. Shouldnt be very though this time. But too much work for now, so will have to wait.

Have phun!


Without Textures/Open Image in New Tab for Full Image Size

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Chair [Texturing]

* Now! Now. I figured that if I was to texture that bloody capsule, I would have to start by texturing smaller objects. Because after 5 days of attempts, I came to the conclusion that texturing is way tougher then I had imagined. So here goes a simpler object.

Later Then. 


Open in New Tab for Actual Resolution.

Monday, April 23, 2012

SpaceCapsule [UVWUnwarp]

 * Managed to unwrap this in two days. though even I can tell that its not the best unwrap in the world. But I think I ll go with it.

[My Motto In Life Now = Unwrap all Things UN-Unwrapped]

Texture from tomorrow. Either this will take long, or I will move on. In either case, I will not feel bad. I need to get my unwrapping correct.

Also did this stupid kind of light test. The white was looking a bit flat.

Lights of Karamboo.
Through the night they dare me to
To whisper four soft syllables blue
Fiery Fidgety

—: Faantaamos! You devil! Here I come! :—

p.s. Do not try to make sense of it. DO NOT!

Light Experiment


Friday, April 20, 2012

SpaceCapsule [Int.]

* Goollly! I managed this in 4 hours. Yeay! Theres a lot of things that need to be added. But since its late and tomorrow being a slightly bigger day then usual, I thought I'd stop here for now. I really really want to texture this one. Hopefully it wont turn out to be as lame as the last one (which I was too ashamed to post.) It was an old stadium sort of set up, with wooden seats and all that. but didnt turn out as I had hoped after being textured. 

And Yes, this is extremely high poly (forgot the number), with almost 2 NURM sub-divisions on each object. 

The lighting is odd for now, but will fix that with the texture.


This is this. 


Without Texture/Only Lights