Friday, April 20, 2012

SpaceCapsule [Int.]

* Goollly! I managed this in 4 hours. Yeay! Theres a lot of things that need to be added. But since its late and tomorrow being a slightly bigger day then usual, I thought I'd stop here for now. I really really want to texture this one. Hopefully it wont turn out to be as lame as the last one (which I was too ashamed to post.) It was an old stadium sort of set up, with wooden seats and all that. but didnt turn out as I had hoped after being textured. 

And Yes, this is extremely high poly (forgot the number), with almost 2 NURM sub-divisions on each object. 

The lighting is odd for now, but will fix that with the texture.


This is this. 


Without Texture/Only Lights

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