Monday, April 23, 2012

SpaceCapsule [UVWUnwarp]

 * Managed to unwrap this in two days. though even I can tell that its not the best unwrap in the world. But I think I ll go with it.

[My Motto In Life Now = Unwrap all Things UN-Unwrapped]

Texture from tomorrow. Either this will take long, or I will move on. In either case, I will not feel bad. I need to get my unwrapping correct.

Also did this stupid kind of light test. The white was looking a bit flat.

Lights of Karamboo.
Through the night they dare me to
To whisper four soft syllables blue
Fiery Fidgety

—: Faantaamos! You devil! Here I come! :—

p.s. Do not try to make sense of it. DO NOT!

Light Experiment


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