Friday, May 30, 2008

The Breath Of The Kissing Surprise

The dawn broke open a flood of light, immersing the entire room in its brightness. Everywhere there were colors and shadows and tinkling metals, glistening, shimmering, singing a vibrant song of light. Confused between the darkness of my last waking moment and this display of opulence, I woke up to this Sunday morning. The warmth of the bed, and everything between the quietly burning sun and me gently swims in my blood.

It’s a Sunday; it’s a holiday; its always a holiday. In the distance, beyond the glass wall, stands a snobbish, stubborn mountain, too lazy to move and to eager to grow, motionless under the morning sun and the chirping birds; under the trees and the leaves that swirl and play; under the feet of animals that swim upon it, languidly wandering, bathing in the beauty. All celebrating an eternal Sunday of a life.

Eternity lasts till death

There is a quite breeze, one can see, a very soft gentle breeze, gladly swinging the trees, and rustling the leaves. A very gentle breeze. Beneath the chirping and the growling and the movement of the feet, lies an immaculate silence. Unharmed, untarnished by the intricacies of a lustful speed. There is a silence in the mind, a thought provoking silence that blends the heart and the ripples in view. There is a song of a breath, a soft song — it leaves traces behind it, tickling my ears. There is a figure of the breath, the figure of surprise. A figure of kissing surprise.

There are glistening stars in her eyes
Hidden diamonds, full of surprise
She sleeps within those beautiful eyes
My love…My eternal prize

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Lying there beside my feet

Stretched on the ground

As I sit on my seat

Tell me my shadow

What do you feel?

"I am concieved with the sun

And with its light

During the night I give

You a fright

But I am a puppet

To the evil in your mind

Why do you blame me

If fear you, your own sight?"

Friday, May 23, 2008


Blank stage. Hard sunlight.
Remaltron — wearing posh clothes.
Stangtron — wearing middle class clothes

(Remaltron) —sweating— There is something dark…really dark…at night it engulfs me…it takes over…its everywhere.
(Strangtron) —calm but curious— Where is it now?
(Remaltron) —further sweating— Look behind me…it follows me…it will follow me till eternity.
(Strangtron) —loosing his calm— WHERE is it?
(Remaltron) —without turning— Look…it must be somewhere.
(Strangtron) —angry— There’s just your shadow!
(Remaltron) —fear takes over— Yes!…is it there?…is it near?
(Strangtron) —alarmed— What is wrong with you?
(Remaltron) —speaking low— Its pitch black, and when it seeps into me after sunset…(weeping) it takes over.
(Remaltron) —speaking to himself— Its nothing…nothing but your religion, that has devoured you of beauty…and instilled fear.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Oh! Rain Lift Me — Give Me Wings

And the day breaks the cotton wings of the Clouds,

And the sunlight triumphs upon darkness proud,

And the feet whisper to a wet swollen fresh ground,

And I device dry ways to sit on the bathed mound,

And I laugh, and chat, and remain through the day

As the silver sheet of shimmering petals fall this may

What freshness! What brightness!

What feeling — of excitement!

Lay in store among the dark alley,

Floating above; Me and Sally.

How clear is this sight serene!

Where oft did magic lay unseen.

For we found it a little too late,

Upon a stuffed mound,

Beside Sally's grave.

From above another tear falls and dies

Here with me—in memory—Sally cries

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Orison To The Bong

Escalated beyond the vision of oblivion
Where the stars drip like honey dew
Where the sky stands as a dilated eye
And every sense hops like a clown
Every note further elates
Until you walk from this world far
Such is the world I often see
Such and more as the purple river shows
Oh! vertical splandor of mist and tales
Impart all your sights blue
Impart all that you know
Instill in me through your brown eyes
Swath through your gentle red glow
All the glory of the unseen
So I can write of places I have been
Amongst clouds and worlds and men unseen
While in languid talk within myself

Thursday, May 08, 2008

The Battle Of Evermore : The Arrival Of Nymphertii : Chapter 3

A calm tear that lay at the edge of the eye
Was touched by the hair, as the hair fly
In that moment down the cheek it flow
As the saddened words from her lips blow.

Then her eyes glow with shocked surprise
Realize she, the naughty tricks in the skies
Keeping the gift of tassel on her throne
She quivers, with her last lamenting moan.

She knew by symbol, the arrival of the one
The only girl, to have challenged the sun
Mighty queen knew, her tear must she wipe
Valiant girl else would all the world swipe

She would reason if there be no tear in the eye
But her wisdom if tell her the queen tears cry
She would neither care, nor in the least shy
To destroy the earth with a gesture slight

That naughty sweet surrendering stream
That naughty unrelenting water's queen
That evaporating, flowing angelic form
That subtle moist ever-present norm

That power which upon earth life bestow
The helper, the creator, that nature's plow
The icy presence that with the sun melt
Through her eyes precious life 's dealt.

The goddess of water, Nymphertii
Came along with pearls of the sky
With vapor and scent captivating
To find the castle in silence; waiting,

The stones reverberate messages hollow
Tears have been wiped, though sadness follows
Leaving Nymphertii wondering; why?
Even her presence leaves the place dry.

The queen in haste brings herself together
In her mind promising, she should'nt bother
To let undue pearls drip from her eyes
Until there be nothing but empty skies

She motions with her arm towards lord wind
A gentle gesture; symbol of a grand hint
Suggesting he should take charge of the army
As the dial sweeps towards futures swarmy

Lord wind through the ancient gallery strides
Towards the legions and armies; he prides,
Where outside the grey ancient castle stand
Scores of armies on the immaculate land

Numerous greens and translucent blues
Ready armies atop contrasting hues
Angels atop horses, angles with swords,
Angels with arches, anxious for war

In that voice which echoes through time
Lord wind addresses the angels prime
Though like a father, he feels a nip
In sorrowful oceans his spirit drips

Like a mushroom is the heart of nature
Gentle it is like a new born creature
But when nettled with, unleashes wrath
Like surging waves unleashing froth

The stem is thick but never does it harm
But if 'nyone step be'yond this arm
The stars and legions together comply
If there must be justice, the vile must die

Not the black flags, neither their god
Can ever take grip, of the royal rod
Not these maculate mortals can ever fight
The armies and wrath of Aphrodite

In crystals shimmering, beside her throne
She summons Nymphertii in a placid tone
In the flowing bright glow of the glass chair
Nymphertii holds the soft hand of care

"My niece! Naughty you are, as you are true
My castle heartily welcomes your presence blue
Tired you must be after your hasty journey
Come rest; later we shall ponder on things many"

But such words can not dissuade Nymphertii
She has her determination upon the fight
Her thirst to know what events have shaped
How now her wretched brother has scraped

"Oh! my Darling! Darling! Queen of light
I see that this castle seems fake bright
There is something gnawing in your pure heart
Speak and Speak until all incidents part

Let into my mind all the events seep
Like a sponge I shall soak in it deep
Let drain all that torments you now
We shall listen; what brood's your brow"

Touched but calm the queen of light
Smoothes the hair of Nymphertii
Though tranquil but heavily breathes
Addresses Nymphertii and Grenophelis

"We stand here not to war against foes
As I am aware Lord Wind informed you
But wait for time, your sisters arrive
Then we shall discuss Scrizoaan's strife"

Green eyes and blue eyes blend and meet
The name Scrizoaan strikes darkness neat
There is a look in both the beautiful eyes
One of pain and agony and naked cries.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Battle Of Evermore : The Arrival Of Grenophelis : Chapter 2

Queen oh! Queen all wisdom begot
On her throne sitting without doubt
The open legions of her land in view
The epic that started follows through.

Her eyes can see, her ears listen,
As moments flame in placid incense
The moment of arrival is thus approached
as designs of the war are further roached.

Crystal burning in the distant sky,
Smiles, points towards the other side
Lord wind breathed a sigh of relief
As saw he, brightening of the leaf.

Upon the hill, far across the land
Green colored horses gaily stand;
Not a green to offend one's eye
Just a green to blend with the sky

The green from nature itself took,
The color of leaves beside a brook
When the morning sun remove mist away
This placid color the dew drops portray,

Upon the trees and grass and every where you see.
Such is the majestic color of the horse's breed
What wonder in the heart this sight bestow
If only hadn’t man's thought been low

Such immense was the beauty of their mane
That god’s ordinance was rubbed in disdain
Only nature create such immaculate beauty,
Carry the protector of trees; their duty.

Sitting, smiling, looking a darling,
With wisdom sat on her beloved horse
Such was her stature pure and soothing
That all reasons took a simple course.

The goddess of trees, Grenophelis
Had rode with the swift subtle breeze
To the queen, upon swift horses bred
To reach, before time be dread.

Her promise to the lord of wind she kept
Cavalry of mystic horses she head,
To go to war beside the queen of light
With no uncertainty, or fear slight.

She dismount on the grass, her feet
Touch; and turning green the grass greet
With eyes of an angel she enter the castle
To approach the queen, with a gift of tassel.

Made out of spectacular stems stuck together
Of myriad flowers woven by her mother
She wore a flowing soft green robe herself
Gifted by the birds of the northern delf

Eyes would have cried, if seen her then
What this goddess would have felt when,
The trees of her legions the black flag cuts
To provide shelter, to make themselves huts

All would stop in their deeds callous
The cutting of trees would stop thus
If only had'nt man's nature been
As grotesque as it is often seen.

Into the room she enter with pride
Flowing like a new begotten bride
Towards the queen, though she bow
Her head in honor, she bends low.

Bending her knees she presents the gift
In silent admiration lord wind shifts
The queen is touched beyond repair
She did not expect this subtle care

Not from anyone she would expect
At this moment such a beautiful gift
But from the mother of her niece, she knew
This particualar rainbow of flowers, drew.

The queen of light, queen of might
Rose to greet this beautiful sight,
Her dearest niece, Grenophelis;
And thus speaking, the queen greets.

"Welcome Grenophelis, in the palace of light
I am honored to have you along my side
I pray that your mother keeps well now,
That you are the reason of her calm brow."

Her hand thus speaking the queen held
Gradualy her eyes with memories melt
In nostalgia, with those memories old
Memories with borders; frozen and cold.

Touched and moved grenophelis stands
Unable to speak, flowered gift she hands.
Envied pink lips parted to calm the queen
Whispered softly as if to construe a dream.

"Most Honoured queen, queen of Light,
Never do you regret, or have fear slight
Most bold and valiant, best queen of all
You never do deserve to let a tear fall.

My mother, in her retirement, keeps well
She command me to give the black flags hell
And thus I came to stand beside you in war
To travel together to the victory in store.

With me along and lord wind by your side
And the other six angels arriving by flight
What fear could you have of loosing now?
Those amorals shall not win anyhow."

The queen trembles at a pain that darts
She can see the young innocent hearts,
One that now stands and rest arrive
Bitter, the distant future makes her cry.

"Oh! My dearest, simplest niece of all
This tear is not of fear of failure or fall
It is not something that your youth, relate
It begot of the knowledge of the opening gate.

Of something that you do not understand
Nor knowledge of it you be able to stand
It is the future that I have dreaded to see
Not of my failure but of the loss of thee"

Just when out of the lips these words slip
Lord wind saw outside flying straw and clip
Casually arrive the smell of rain with air
The face of queen, covered her blowing hair.

The Sun mighty in laughing gesture stray
As cut his light the playful clouds grey
He knows the nature of these clouds well
Just a playful naughty trick, he can tell.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Do We Have A Cure

Lets get On a Ride

upon a Highway

Down on the night

to Decide

Which Cure we Deserve

-Ripples Of Collections Of Those Things

The Birth Of Man Was the Death Of Superman

We were Enslaved and Forced
To feel the Hour
The Promise

We were Enslaved and Forced
To feel the Spirit
The Darkness

Mouse Thrones and Bottle Fears
We felt the dense dark cloud
that leapt into our hearts
and chained our souls

We were Enslaved and Forced
To feel We had lost
Our Freedom

We Truely Felt Enslaved and Forced
And knew We had lost
Our Future

"When Superman let Religion

Supercede his Superiority

in all his Stupidity

MAN was Born

As the

Decadence of Superman"

- Ripples of Collections of Those Things

The Angel That Plays

She has Feathers Green

Brown, Red, Yellow and blue

She has Lips

Of an Immortal Hue

Her Eyes in their Nudity

Dance, Sing and Rain

Ages Wither, Time Drains

A Tiny Little play Thing

An Avid Angel Whispering

She Rages the Wind,

Earth, Water and Spectre

She Sprinkles, She Stares,

She Kisses,

I Fade

Monday, May 05, 2008

To Grant Its Burning Wisdom

Will can not Conquer

The Blue Singing Sea

Men are either humbled

Or forever Deceased

Under the rage

Of the burning blue

Capricious saline Flower

Of Spirits and Souls

That Float beneath

The silent calm

Of this Eternal


"Oh! Beautiful

Oh! Beguiled

Womb of change

Grant some wisdom

To the Dry


The Dying"

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Death Comes Unannounced At A Strange Hour

The wicked winged satire on optimism
Is placing its claws on our jaws
And leading us astray
In the arms of death.

Any moment we die is the sacred hour
There is no hope, no soup to turn sour
Hope comes with black wings that devour
The little lost girl hopes for the strange hour

We bring the mist of hope in this world
Through the event of our birth
And live in perpetual despair.

Hope for the forests of the night
The dead night, that sleeps
In the calm of its existence.

“We got our final vision by a clap”

Embrace the gloom,
This night we shall swim
To the kingdom.
Not with hope
But with wine.

Friday, May 02, 2008

The Ruby Shimmers While It Sheds Its Scream

A door opens to a room, leads to a passage, leads to another room, leads to another door; a swindling-dwindling-gazing array of curtains. Leads to an action: footsteps through the door, into a garden of thought, in the room. We are led to the door. Shut the door; behind you.

We are led through the curtains, pink-soft-clothlike, feeling our faces; sensualy. A small bed, enough, fitting: waits for the flower and bee. A bed for roses and nector, wet in the darkness of the night, wet with the sweat of time. Wet with beauty. Shimmering rubies await to bleed. The gift of the door, an entry, leads into a house: beyond the hymn.

We decend into the staircase of our thought and rise to the view of the room. Oh! dripping rubies, we decree your presence. The demeaning moonlight, flows; sometimes blows through the window. The window becomes the gateway to the gods and the breeze that witness the union of the flower and bee.

We dispel our industiral skin. Unbottoned, naked, unmasked; we forget to pretend, wearing the gift of our birth. We storm into each others eyes, devouring ourselves of social engagements; taboos. In the mist of the light of the night, we stand by ourselves in the presence of our dreams.

The bee would die if the flower had no nector. The flower would fill the garden, if the bee would die. The scent of the lust would fill in the garden. But with no one to sense the omnipresent smell, the satin touch, the bleeding rubies.

What is beautiful in the absense of an eye?

The Womb And The Birth Of Death

* Note * The Design has been made on 3DS Max, following a tutorial on lighting.