Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Battle Of Evermore : The Arrival Of Grenophelis : Chapter 2

Queen oh! Queen all wisdom begot
On her throne sitting without doubt
The open legions of her land in view
The epic that started follows through.

Her eyes can see, her ears listen,
As moments flame in placid incense
The moment of arrival is thus approached
as designs of the war are further roached.

Crystal burning in the distant sky,
Smiles, points towards the other side
Lord wind breathed a sigh of relief
As saw he, brightening of the leaf.

Upon the hill, far across the land
Green colored horses gaily stand;
Not a green to offend one's eye
Just a green to blend with the sky

The green from nature itself took,
The color of leaves beside a brook
When the morning sun remove mist away
This placid color the dew drops portray,

Upon the trees and grass and every where you see.
Such is the majestic color of the horse's breed
What wonder in the heart this sight bestow
If only hadn’t man's thought been low

Such immense was the beauty of their mane
That god’s ordinance was rubbed in disdain
Only nature create such immaculate beauty,
Carry the protector of trees; their duty.

Sitting, smiling, looking a darling,
With wisdom sat on her beloved horse
Such was her stature pure and soothing
That all reasons took a simple course.

The goddess of trees, Grenophelis
Had rode with the swift subtle breeze
To the queen, upon swift horses bred
To reach, before time be dread.

Her promise to the lord of wind she kept
Cavalry of mystic horses she head,
To go to war beside the queen of light
With no uncertainty, or fear slight.

She dismount on the grass, her feet
Touch; and turning green the grass greet
With eyes of an angel she enter the castle
To approach the queen, with a gift of tassel.

Made out of spectacular stems stuck together
Of myriad flowers woven by her mother
She wore a flowing soft green robe herself
Gifted by the birds of the northern delf

Eyes would have cried, if seen her then
What this goddess would have felt when,
The trees of her legions the black flag cuts
To provide shelter, to make themselves huts

All would stop in their deeds callous
The cutting of trees would stop thus
If only had'nt man's nature been
As grotesque as it is often seen.

Into the room she enter with pride
Flowing like a new begotten bride
Towards the queen, though she bow
Her head in honor, she bends low.

Bending her knees she presents the gift
In silent admiration lord wind shifts
The queen is touched beyond repair
She did not expect this subtle care

Not from anyone she would expect
At this moment such a beautiful gift
But from the mother of her niece, she knew
This particualar rainbow of flowers, drew.

The queen of light, queen of might
Rose to greet this beautiful sight,
Her dearest niece, Grenophelis;
And thus speaking, the queen greets.

"Welcome Grenophelis, in the palace of light
I am honored to have you along my side
I pray that your mother keeps well now,
That you are the reason of her calm brow."

Her hand thus speaking the queen held
Gradualy her eyes with memories melt
In nostalgia, with those memories old
Memories with borders; frozen and cold.

Touched and moved grenophelis stands
Unable to speak, flowered gift she hands.
Envied pink lips parted to calm the queen
Whispered softly as if to construe a dream.

"Most Honoured queen, queen of Light,
Never do you regret, or have fear slight
Most bold and valiant, best queen of all
You never do deserve to let a tear fall.

My mother, in her retirement, keeps well
She command me to give the black flags hell
And thus I came to stand beside you in war
To travel together to the victory in store.

With me along and lord wind by your side
And the other six angels arriving by flight
What fear could you have of loosing now?
Those amorals shall not win anyhow."

The queen trembles at a pain that darts
She can see the young innocent hearts,
One that now stands and rest arrive
Bitter, the distant future makes her cry.

"Oh! My dearest, simplest niece of all
This tear is not of fear of failure or fall
It is not something that your youth, relate
It begot of the knowledge of the opening gate.

Of something that you do not understand
Nor knowledge of it you be able to stand
It is the future that I have dreaded to see
Not of my failure but of the loss of thee"

Just when out of the lips these words slip
Lord wind saw outside flying straw and clip
Casually arrive the smell of rain with air
The face of queen, covered her blowing hair.

The Sun mighty in laughing gesture stray
As cut his light the playful clouds grey
He knows the nature of these clouds well
Just a playful naughty trick, he can tell.

1 comment:


this is epic in the form of verses...really a daunting task...bahot achcha hai...isko publish karwaiyega...