Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Ribbons Don't Cure AIDS

Ribbons red, Ribbons blue
Ribbons of some Strange hue
Ribbons rabid Roughly staged
Ribbons around Necks aged
Ribbons stiff Symbols cool
Ribbons for Them to drool
Ribbons stuck Atop shirts
Ribbons mark Flimsy nerds
Ribbons for a Cause great
Ribbons listlessly Prate
Ribbons don’t Cure 'AIDS'

Take a step empty crates
And make your fingers thoroughly straight
Marked by lives, not deaths
Let girlish ribbons mark those girlish steads

We need no marks and symbols cool
We need a permanent cure You Fool
Something worth the While
Something, Like a smile

Or mark a ribbon upon my grave
Mark it bold with my late name
And Ribbons shall sway
And wither away
But Ribbons Don’t cure 'AIDS'
- Ripples Of Collections Of Those Things

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