Friday, September 19, 2008


Curtains Raised.

Bright lights. There is a wooden table at centre stage. Two boys (Dracoan & Dragoan) are sitting at 60 degree angles, facing the theatre. There is an ashtray, a bottle of whiskey, and some cigarettes on the table. Apart from this the entire stage is empty.

Dracoan is dressed in a loose t-shirt and tight jeans.
Dragoan is dressed in a black suit.

Dracoan: Don’t you get bored with the same old story?

Dargoan: Which story?

Dracoan: The same that’s been there for centuries.

Dargoan: Arabian Nights?

Dracoan: I’d say the dark nights.

Dargoan: Why is that?

Dracoan: You’ve been fighting for the same cause for years. Don’t you think it’s got a little boring? I mean find a new reason now, if you can’t get over the fighting. It’s sad how you just go on. For all that non-sense.

Dargoan: Why is it sad? We are fighting for a reason that surpasses man. You don’t understand the essence of it. The importance of it. God if for everyone, and people should recognize him, praise him. We are just fighting so that you can also avail of all that he has to offer. You have to look at the good side of it. No need to think of the sacrifices we make. That is in fact for god. Anything done in the name of god is just and right. God is good, and merciful, and great, and loving, and caring, and intelligent, and

Dracoan: Missing. (Abruptly adds)

Dargoan: What does that mean?

Dracoan: Only that—in whatever you said which part does god play? All those words have your soul written on them. All that blabbering about justice, and good, and the rest of the banter. Tell me truly? What is that you want?

Dargoan: I thought about it once. I want to be released from fear. I don’t know what is going to happen. I know there is a beautiful world after this. But will I go there? I am not sure. I don’t know why. But I know I will find out. I have faith in god. And he will take me into his house. I know. I know.

Dracoan: So in short you destroy other’s houses to ensure that you receive one of your own.

Dargoan: No it’s just that I want to serve god, I don’t want to be off to be damned through eternity. That too long.

Dracoan: If you die. You die my friend. Then where is the element of pain? Pain is the companion of flesh, of this world. Not of death.

Dargoan: No! you don’t understand. You have closed your heart to god. You are damned. We are not killing and we will not just die. We will be martyrs. There is a difference. Militancy is justice in its raw form. Someone has to cure mankind, and teach it the higher ways. We only bring the message of god. Of what he actually intended us to do. We have nothing for our selves, don’t you see it? Yes, may be, I want to go to heaven, but in this world, I only want to cure man of their sins. It is wrong to ignore god. He is our creator.

Dracoan: Are you sure? Where do your parents come in then?

Dargoan: They were just a vehicle. God sends his people down to help his cause. We have a very divine cause. You only need to think of all the things god has given us.

Dracoan: Yes. And man in his struggle to create so much over the years, was just fooling around. It took us 5,000 years to reach where we are. Then what about that?

Dargoan: God wanted us to learn gradually. He knows what is the right time for us to learn. He knows all and he knows best. You should not question him. Just submit to him and he will give you a place paradise.

Dracoan: Para...DICE! (Starts to laugh) Go to sleep my boy. Justice is a grand musical myth. But it is beyond man. This is not your fault. We have walked to far ahead to be cured. Let death be the silent cure then.

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