Saturday, September 06, 2008

Phantom From Dometoo

From where we could see. There was a thick mist. A fist, of clouds. It was hungry and was moving toward us. Fast as the night, came crawling silently. White, wet, damp-smelling. Gifted with furry white paws, it embraced and engulfed everything into its silvery bosom. The hungry cloud monster, what satisfies your hunger? Ask the general. Land! 

Question: What does one get when the war is over?

Answer: Lights off! 

The moon lit up somewhere in the amphitheatre. Mythical blue light of the sky. The throat of Shiva. Is this why we associate night with horror? Coz it’s filled with venom? Churn the tortoise for an answer. And call a seductive angel. The libido element to gladden your senses. Nothing survives without the____. Makes the wolves weep. Not sex; the blue creeping night. 

Weeping howling wolves of the night

Moaning screaming their un-virgined cry 

Yes. Yes. You guessed it (for those who did). This is about phantom. The purple attired black underweared muscleman shitforbrain super hero of sorts. But this is different. I swear. I saw it. People claim to have seen god, and I don’t really get my head around them; so I forgive you if you don’t believe me. But. We were standing at the edge of a path. One of those narrow goat paths that seem to lead to somewhere, and like any religious ceremony, end in absolute rubbish. And start to make you feel, why-the-hell all-that-pain. And we were just wondering how all this could be as beautiful as it was. I will not go and explain the beauty of it. It was night and cool, and I swear, the rest you can imagine on your own. Or else please refer to the romantics; they have quite an account of natural beauty. 

And it was unquite, because the wolves had started to howl, and moan. What do they actually do? Just sit there and weep! Jobless. Reminds me of the pundits and their chanting. Jobless is the word. 

Ohk! Nowishallgettothepoint. 

Me and my friend had run on a vacation to Nepal, and we were at this place near, cat-man-doo, its called dometoo. So we decided that we need to go witness the beauty of things firsthand, and here we were. In the dark of the night, witnessing the copulating mountain. Ok that’s exaggeration. The mountain was not copulating. In fact the mist was so dense and was enveloping at such rapid speed, and with such a smooth touch, that it looked like someone was puling over a sheet before going to sleep. And now that I think about it, I think those mountains could actually have been knees of someone long dead. May be a monster. Did his breath stink? Did Ram have bad breath? 

And well it was quite unsafe, if you ask me. Coz, first, it was unfamiliar land. And second, it was cold and creepy and night. And the mist was pretty near. And shit-the-fuck. From nowhere there came a hissing sound, like a very faint vacuum-cleaner. My mind went haywire. Seriously, I mean, like, at that time of night. In that place, the sound of a vacuum-cleaner, could be the most horrible horrible horriblest thing one could imagine. And to top it up, it was getting louder. Nearing. 

And then something exploded from the mist. The burst of a bubble, vapor dispersing: a prick in air. Soft traces of a white breath. And I closed my eyes, and would have sealed all my holes if I could have. But Shit. And Fuck. That thing grabbed us. And I fainted. 


“Sir, your bill will be Rs 76,456,” said a small voice. Small and ‘cute’, I must add. 

That’s the medical bill. That shit for a superhero, trying to save us, had forgot his horse, and had come on his magic carpet instead. And had rescued us, from shit knows what. And well rammed into a bloody tree. A tree? I mean; how clichéd can you get. A tree. I just can’t believe it, even now. Well that’s alright though. Coz the nurse was nice and that black underweared shitforbrains is dead. Died on the spot. Nearly killed us as well. 


I am going to sue the Airport Authority of Nepal. 


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