Monday, April 23, 2012

SpaceCapsule [UVWUnwarp]

 * Managed to unwrap this in two days. though even I can tell that its not the best unwrap in the world. But I think I ll go with it.

[My Motto In Life Now = Unwrap all Things UN-Unwrapped]

Texture from tomorrow. Either this will take long, or I will move on. In either case, I will not feel bad. I need to get my unwrapping correct.

Also did this stupid kind of light test. The white was looking a bit flat.

Lights of Karamboo.
Through the night they dare me to
To whisper four soft syllables blue
Fiery Fidgety

—: Faantaamos! You devil! Here I come! :—

p.s. Do not try to make sense of it. DO NOT!

Light Experiment


Friday, April 20, 2012

SpaceCapsule [Int.]

* Goollly! I managed this in 4 hours. Yeay! Theres a lot of things that need to be added. But since its late and tomorrow being a slightly bigger day then usual, I thought I'd stop here for now. I really really want to texture this one. Hopefully it wont turn out to be as lame as the last one (which I was too ashamed to post.) It was an old stadium sort of set up, with wooden seats and all that. but didnt turn out as I had hoped after being textured. 

And Yes, this is extremely high poly (forgot the number), with almost 2 NURM sub-divisions on each object. 

The lighting is odd for now, but will fix that with the texture.


This is this. 


Without Texture/Only Lights

Thursday, April 19, 2012

MechDesign01 [SpeedPaint]

* Very quick morning sketches. Made some 25 of these. But didnt like the rest. these 4 still made some sense. Though the 3rd one is a bit odd I think amongst these, due to its comparative size. It would be nothing less then a 100 times bigger in reality, if it were to be created.


Time Consumed = 30 Mins.

Yellow Jupiter! 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The House Of The Holy's

* Aha! Done one more. And as I keep doing more of these (as pathetic as they may be), I have come to realize that till the time they are made as exercise, I am in no compulsion to make them anything but that what I want to make them. Though I do completely agree that they should be believable. So it is.

one more exercise complete.

— Kind of like a place to chill and read. There seems to be more places to do everything and anything, then to read and chill. So I figured that if I remove every other commodity from the environment but some chairs and sofas (people might not come hehehhee :P :P). Joking. They would come to read and chill. Unless, of course, the junkies start coming. That wont be good either. But I am hoping that people will come just to catch up on reading. Leave your cell phones outside please. 


With Lights/Without Textures

With Lights and Texture

Monday, April 09, 2012

Waiting Room (Int.)

* Took a bitch of a time. This one. Some 7 hours for the final render. Moved some pieces in the final scene. There was not much thought to the scene. No pre-prod. Just randomly went on making things and putting them together. Turned out to be like a waiting room. Though I dont know of where. Glaring mistakes in this one as well, but I didnt have the courage to correct them and render again. Spot them for me if you may.

Blah! Blah! 

Have the funs'.

Lighting Without Texture

With Textures and Final Gather

Thursday, April 05, 2012

The Room Of Things

* Just some random texture exercise. Very simple model, very basic lighting, and some new textures. Yeay! The shadows are a bit off. But thats coz the render was taking too much time with it (40 minutes or so). So I offed it a bit. Still I guess not bad as a test. Want to "Drop"? :P :P :P

Come to think of it. I still need to figure the bloody wood texture though. It looks a bit off, dosent it?

This one is without the textures. Just the model and some lighting.

With texture, and some mixing of the above image for Ambient Occlusion [Didnt feel like taking a separate pass].
Later then...

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Head Model

* Alas I managed to make a head after I think 3 years of trying. What I mean by this is that the one's I had made before were not always consistent with quads. Anyways this is the first head. Hopefully I'll be making more soon.

Black And White [Ext.]

* Finally back on track. A very quick modeling and texturing exercise, just to get back. This could be a lot better if I would have unwrapped it by hand. but here I have only Used the regular Box maps. The sad bit is that the stairs at the back are not visible at all because of the draft quality of the render. Even then, this is this.


Softwares Used:

3ds Max 2010
Mental Ray
Photoshop CS4