Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I Need To Forget

I need to forget myself
I will know Peace
You need to forget yourself
You will know peace
I need to forget you
Only then
Will I know peace
Will you know peace
Will we know peace.

Friday, November 25, 2011


* Made this website layout yesterday. Kind of like a minimilistic approach to design. Was trying really soft colors, nothing that would stand out: empty spaces and all that. Wanted this website to have the feeling of whiteness. The white was to decorate the information. I have no idea of what it looks like though. So comments and criticism are most welcome. The pages can be modified to fit any business.

The images used on the website are from my inspiration archive. I do not hold any rights for them, though I have forgotten the links to their actual website so I wont be able to put the Hyperlinks.

Home Page
This is the Homepage and can have a quote from the company, something cool that they might have to say about themselves. Here I just typed something because I didn't want to bang my head over text. There could be a logo on the top left of the main bar, but I chose not to put it, gives a cleaner touch to the website.

Products Page
The products will be listed here, mostly photographs of the products. Statisticians believe that 80% Internet users choose pictures over text. I am sure there is a huge non-text market then...Right! Out! There!

Products Page (Hover)
Once that the user places the cursor on the image a brief description of the product will slide in from either side on the picture itself (side still undecided: you decide!) and the image will pop out a bit. Slightly. 

Products Page (Individual)
The product being selected; this page will open up. It will have a detailed description beside the picture (What ever the detail might be!). There is a tiny scroll bar under the image that can be then used to go back and forth between the other products, the products will slide left to right, depending on the scroll.

About Us
This page can have, either a brief description of the company, or, could have individual people in it. The scroll can be applied to this page as well in the latter case. Or both. Company and its top employees. Pictures are a must though. And mind you! Cool Pictures Only. 

I did not add the Contact Us page here, partly because, I haven't made it. And partly because, its almost the same. Any one with a slight imagination can understand what the website will look like. In case any of you want to see the contact page as well. Don't let me know. Because this is just the idea of the layout, one can add as many pages to this as they like. All Customized.  

Thursday, November 17, 2011


* Aaha! Quick design for urgent needs! I think my future lies in Resume Design. :P. 

- NO! It doesn't! Yes!

Made this one yesterday. Now I think I should make one for myself 'as well'. But honestly this was a whole lot of fun. And its amazing how I usually underestimate the ability for myself to learn while doing something serious. 

Think again!

Thereby I conclude that Douglas Adams should also have written 'Think Again'. :D :D :D 

Click on the Image to Enlarge

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Again something that was made way back in the past. I don't know why I didn't post it. This is Yogi's resume we made for his much awaited interview back then. Also got his hair cut short for it! ha ha!

Click to enlarge image

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


* Created this sometime back. Its kind of a synthetic wrist band. One's that can sell in Janpath. Cheap! And those are not pearls, they could be plastic. But the wood should remain.

Click on the images to enlarge

Friday, October 14, 2011

The New Poster For The New House

*Click to enlarge

Me being me, which in turn means super excited. Jumpy clapping and all that. Made this poster for the new house we are moving in. Its gonna go on the door right under the peep-hole. Aaaah! I cant wait.

The how and the why (in the poster) mean:
These being the two eternal questions resounding over and over under our much ignorant ceiling fan.

For everything there is a how, and for those things that don't have a how, he makes one up.

Yogi:     How are you going to make the eggs? (innocent curiosity lurking from behind his voice)
Jha:      Take a guess? (smiles)

Is there a why for everything? Yes, there is, and those that did not have it till the arrived moment of choosing, are made to surrender.

Jha:       Why are you going to town?
Minion: Just. Come na, please na Jhaaa.
Jha:      Why cant we Just here in Andheri?
Minion: Pissed beyond belief, just stops talking to Jha.
[Jha, Minion and Yogi exit room toward town. Where minion on their way back uses the word 'no' in a way it was not earlier thought possible.] [Laughter.] 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cycle Turntable [Carnival] {Third}

Part of the Carnival series. The other models will keep coming, until finally the movie. But I think that will take time. 'A long Time'.

Modeled and Rendered in 3ds max 2010


Saturday, May 21, 2011

My Pen Doth Here Compel [Sonnet]

I’d stop to indulge in my cursed writer’s rut,
And cease to perch beneath the spiky pine,
Like the winter snow my thoughts doth jut,
Beside a flame, on delicious dreams dine,
No forest bequeath or mountain’s soul call,
Just the spring of my writer’s pen approach,
As doth many a story on these blank pages fall,
The chilly snow, nigh the singing wind encroach,
Perhaps my mind in another universe doth roam,
Witness to more then what the eyes here fathom,
Like a child’s delight in summer’s soft moan,
Stories of Mermaids dwelling in nature’s bosom,
Star by star and sun by sun, stories here themselves doth tell,
Of beautiful Queens and Kings of valor, my pen doth here compel.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Lonely Mister Ace of Spades

Lonely Mister Ace of Spades, don’t deny it
You have tried so hard to fail
You know you’ve tried it

Perhaps you should have taken a different color
What with a heart that’s black
Now you just want to hide it

But no one told you where you were headed
No one cared to ask what you wanted
So now you just helplessly fight it

They set the rules without your knowing
Spread the deck on the table glowing
And among cheer and laughter sliced it

You wish every time so hard you wouldn’t win
Your hand so evil the game it always wouldn’t spin
But you just fail every time you try it

In this deck of falling cards, where nothing remains
You wish a hand to hold you had, but it pains
And every night you just mop and cry it

You dream the Red Queen, her smile on you would clean
It never will work, there is a red King
It’s just a dream no matter how you apply it

Think about it lonely Mister Ace of Spades, think about it
When winning is not the prize itself
Just an excuse to pack cards and hide it

Perhaps you should tell yourself that it’s just a game
No one ever won a hand, it’s all the same
But it won’t work because you’ll never find it

Lonely Mister Ace of Spades, don’t deny it
You have tried so hard to fail
You know you’ve tried it

Perhaps you should have taken a different color
What with a heart that’s black
Now you yourself despise it

Ruins Of Those Clouds

Is it the silver streaking from the Sun?
Or the pain of it lying blotched on the horizon?
Who painted it, bloodied it, knows no one

It’s the color fit with the tune of what this night is

Is it the scars of the purple crying Moon?
Or the bleeding in the sky of its sad hue?
Who scratched it, ripped it, mollified it?
Only the drunk tide understands, never tries to fight it

Is it the myriad white pricks leaking in the Sky?
Or just the palm of my feelings stuck there to dry?
Who annexed it, stripped it, pinstriped it?

Perhaps it’s the egg in the head, but we’ll never find it

Is it the ruined pieces of those ancient clouds?
Or the trumpets of the tears of its falling sounds?
Who tore it, discolored it; who despised it?

It’s time, that forlorn invisible wretch staring at his own joke. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

With A Smile That His Lips Had Seduced [Song]

* I have had this story in my head for quite some time now, but it dosen't seem to be coming out the way its supposed to. And this is not the story to be honest. This is just part of it. Probably the end bit. Anyways, I'll keep trying till it dosen't. This was not the first attempt, but its as far as it has gone till now. I seem to be lacking that thing called 'trance' or something like that. I usually get it almost every time I write. A trance, not the drug thing, but kind of like the Indian thing. Kind of like I am in some other universe and my words are the world sort of thing. Cant explain. Anyways. All comments are welcome. Improvement I know is needed. Will try again in a couple of days.

The judge, he banged his gavel
Called for the defense to explain
As the jury sat in boredom
Hoping to be entertained

While John, his hands tied down
Stepped upon the wooden stand
And waited for all the questions
While his answers, a parrot’s cram
All his answers a parrot’s cram

Hungrily the papers ate all the crumbs
And flew to illustrate to the crowd
Not what John had really done
But what his defense had thrown about

In our minds it was documented
Different from how it really happened
The actual scam having been scented
We given an image of another crime
We were given an image of another crime

After all the screaming and bargaining
When everyone was utterly confused
The defender asked the judge quietly
If Jack was pardoned and excused

And the judge gladly asked the jury
What was to be done to the accused?
They reached a verdict of not guilty
And the judge was clearly amused
And the judge was clearly amused

And the cuffs of John’s haunting crime
Came off upon the victims time
Amongst the tears of those left behind
John walked out of the court with pride

With a smile that his lips had seduced
With a smile that his lips had seduced
While the law and verdict were confused
With a smile that his lips had seduced

Monday, May 16, 2011

Rabbit Tied Around Their Eyes [Song]

Everyone’s wearing a stamp on their forehead
Light bulbs hanging bright around their neck
Been walking to where they were asked to go
This just a song, so I won’t mind my head

Just a song that was written while sitting on a tree
Just some words that fall but become part of nothing
Hollow smoke rings stuck in a thick chunk of time
This just a song, so my head I really won’t mind

Silver sun burning inside and out of their brains
Golden goose churning in the pants of crime
But no one is learning, not even pretending
But this just a song, so my head I won’t mind

Just a song written while I was feeling like a fruit
Just some words that came out as I spoke like a brute
They mean nothing, Bonking Jupiter’s, Oopsy Daisy
It’s just a song, so my mind I won't let crazy

The fingers have grown claws that need to be painted
Songs are sung, as by people, other people get sainted
And in all of this chaos no one notices that God has fainted
But it’s just a song, by someone absolutely demented

Written atop an ancient hymn lying on the ocean floor
Just some thoughtless words upon thought’s non-existing door
But what does it matter, when no one is keeping the score
It’s just a song, not that you’d use your head anymore

Paper pads for memories and a rubber ball connecting the Gene
When the wild wolf howls, they think it’s a cucumber they mean
But this high crimson bridge of teeth is nothing like I had seen
It’s just a song, what does it matter where my mind has been

Just a song written while sitting inside a broken teapot
Just some words that in the war had been long forgot
Glazing ceramic eyes that see the world as it is not
This just a song, over which my mind right now is caught

Everyone’s wearing a rabbit around their eyes
Soft flesh protecting them from reacting to the mice
For surely if the eye does not see, then the ear can’t hear
This just a song, I wont break my head I fear

Just a song written while I was speaking to the caterpillar
Just some words that we drank from the cold damp cellar
A dream for my mouth and its curling vicious propeller
This just a song, but is it just my head or does your head feel any better?

It’s just a song
It’s just a song
Don’t take me wrong
It’s just a song.

Monday, May 02, 2011

What Would You Believe?

There had been only two rings. He was praying the operator take the call. Just take it right then. Without delay. He was sweating as he prayed. Shivering. Squashed in his closet, he just hoped that they would come before…

- Yes Sir, how may I help you? The bored voice of a young girl painting her nails asked in an inhuman, distant tone. A programmed voice of flesh.

- There is a burglary going on in my house, there are two big sharks. I think they will kill me if they find me. I am hiding in my closet. His voice was shaking, as he whispered in to his cell phone. Fear had taken over him. He was dreading to be found by the sharks. Please send the police urgently. Please. He begged.

- Sir?

- Please! He whispered in his desperation. Wet in his sweat by now.

- Ok, Sir. I’ll see what I can do. Even more distant now. Pranks of the night; she thought.

The operator hung up, and laughing, told the girl sitting next to her about the call. And then with tortoise fingers alerted the paramedics, instead of the police.

By the time the paramedics arrived, the house had been cleaned up. There were marks of saline water all over the carpet as they entered. Wet. The rooms smelt of sea fish. Damp and salty.

They searched the house, and found a body in the closet. Torn to pieces. A sharp broken shark tooth stuck to a piece of flesh from the upper body.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Circles And Triangles [Song]

Circles and triangles

You have your place

In science and geometry

You have your space

Circles and triangles

You arnt mere lines

In thought and on paper

You are more then designs

Circles and triangles

You are absolutes in yourself

In all other shapes

Jealousy you delve

Circles and triangles

You are pure and wise

Your movement, your trinity

Are a cure and surprise

Circles and triangles

You of ages are a mystery

Of cats and their whiskers

You of dreams are a tree

Circles and triangles

I am glad I found you

My pagan blue imagination

Was incomplete without you

Circles and triangles

Of you I am sure

You are the soft lamentation

You are the melodious lore

Circles and triangles

You have your place

In science and geometry

You have your space.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Scheming Eyes Of Jack

Poor Jack, his eyes were cruel

They would pop when saw a duel

They would talk with words cruel

To themselves and to Jack

The left was grey, and the right green

Without them he couldn’t have seen

All the useless times been

All the politics of liquid crack

When they saw the fat, suited

The left would smile, the right hooted

As the fat with lies mooted

While Jack just sat and drank

When his thoughts with grapes mixed

They would sow their seeds, fixed

Upon the fat their words affixed

While intoxication did Jack grab

The fat would quote from books old

From his notes that he’d unfold

Every time he spoke, he sold

Another idea that Jack drank

But the eyes were smarter still

They saw the words of lying Bill

Their only wish, with a knife to kill

To stab the fat in the heart

No last revolution did they see

Coming out of the vocal spree

Just a decadent political decree

That they didn’t want Jack to buy

So they plotted a scarlet murder

When Jack would be all asunder

As whiskey make him smile and stutter

They would play their wretched trick

With a thought they would send

Make the staggering drunk pretend

As in reverence Jack extend

His hand to greet fat Bill

So it came that Jack did stand

Drunk and swaying as a man

Smiling as a stupid fan

Beside the wooden podium

Jack didn’t know what he did

But he felt that he was hit

And while falling his tongue bit

With blood spurting from his mouth

They chained him and took him out

Made him stand in front of Sprout

Who smiled as he his gun pulled out

And shot Jack in the head

The grey eye closed before the green

Because nothing alas! Come between

The eye’s sparkling murderous glean

Not even whiskey did the trick

And so Jack on the street buried

As the revolution in rage scurried

As later children in books studied

Theories on assassination attempts.

Pirate Hours [SONG]

At the hour of the dawn

When the sailors have gone

And the ship is standing

To be taken

And the cold singing breeze

Sings its changes to the seas

And the song will never

Be forsaken

But the change that has come

Will never stay here at home

And the sailors will leave

In the morning

And the girls will just cry

When the songs have passed them by

And the breeze’ll cease to try

To be pleasing

And the curvy horns of time

Will surely always deny

That there were branches to

The girls’ soft feelings

And the trees will just swing

Every morning again

Waiting for the change

To be coming

But the old men will rot

And young be forgot

And nothing will change

In the end

The same hour shall strike

Everyday every night

And nature’ll be whimpering

And moaning

Calling to proceed

To pay some more heed

To the pain of the innocent

That’re falling

The swift sea has changed

And the feeling disarranged

And songs no more mean

The same meanings

Like a hound that moves

As it looks at the moon

And the moon pretty

Just keeps smiling

And the hound then howls

Its deep lamenting growls

To night and its forgotten


And at the side of the dawn

When the pirates are alone

With their smiles and their scars

And their singing

And their cheer shall be heard

To the wind and the birds

And the air in celebration


For nothing is lost

When happiness the cost

And happiness the prize

In winning.

The girls will dance again

To the tune of the rain

And their dresses shall flow

Like silver

With soft shining eyes

And their innocent surprise

And their bodies moving

And swaying

Like gods they shall rush

Away from the hush

And remember the dawn

With laughter

Once that the hound

And the pirates have calmed

And the girls have ceased

Their chatter

And tired they shall sleep

On their beds in a heap

Free from all thoughts

Of slumber

And the wind and the dawn

Shall pass on and on

And wait again for the


When the pirates shall return

And surprise everyone

With their smiles and their scars

And their singing

[That’s it!]

Nature Changes: Not Man

Curtains rise.

There are three spot-lights, red-blue-green, merging only in the centre where a table is kept. Under the red light is kept a rocking chair, under the blue an old Victorian chair, and under the green a comfortable leather sofa. The blue chair is empty. But on the chair under the red light sits an old man, well dressed, straight. He is sure to be sitting there. On the chair under the green light sits the same man, not his twin, the same man, only that this one is a lot younger in years. Possibly a difference of 50 years, we could for the sake of argument say, 20 and 70, are their ages. The younger man is wearing the same clothes, only he is not so sure of being sitting there.

They seem to have been in a conversation since before the curtain rose, and hence they are just staring at each other, as if something serious was being argued for some time now.

There is no sound on the stage. No music. A hushed silence. Wide silent stares.

Young: So are you trying to tell me that at this point what I am trying to do, trying to wish is to become you? That, since it is not in my mind for sure, so in my sub-consciousness, the one lurking beneath all of this, I am hoping and dying to be you? Is that what you are trying to tell me?

Old: Yes, that is precisely what I am telling you; in turn myself, if I am not mistaken. That may be you are not aware of what you are going to become, but you are going to become me.

Young: (Getting a little agitated) But you are a monster! That is what you are. A ruthless, cruel monster. You are not even an animal.

Old: (Calm and composed) And you are naïve. You are everything that I was, and why wont you be? You are me. Only that we both exist at the same time.

Young: Oh NO! NO! You are the past. And I am the future.

Old: The past ‘IS’ the future.

Young: I have learnt from your mistakes, and from history. I won’t make the same mistakes twice. I am a human being and I learn.

Old: Yes, you have leant and you will learn. You will learn from my mistakes, in turn your own, and then go ahead and invent new ones. You will not make the mistakes I made in my day. Not them. You will call them cruel. You will say you are evolved, far more evolved then I was at your age or I am now, and which also means that you were. But you will then go ahead and invent a more grotesque and cruel mistake, and call it justice, until your time comes and you sit on my chair and I in your again. And then you will tell me the same thing that I am telling you.

Young: No I wont! I will not invent anything cruel! I will strive for peace. I will fight for it.

Old: (Cutting him short) Yes, you will find a new way to fight. Two thousand years ago you crucified your enemies, people you were insecure of! A thousand years later you burnt them as witch doctors. Five hundred years ago you pulled apart their limbs and called it Justice. Then you learned to shoot them in front of firing squads!

Young: You did that! Not me!

Old: I AM you! Now you will device new ways, call it new wars, give it new reasons. But just because you will device new ways to kill people will not mean that you have found ways to subject people to Justice: your Justice. Nature changes: not man. You and I are destined to do this forever. Never shall you hesitate to do something absolutely abominable in the name of justice. Never shall you hesitate even once. You are born to be wrong.

Young: No old man! You are wrong. We have evolved from your time.

The lights begin to fade. And gradually there is complete darkness. Only the two voices can be heard. And it is then that we realize that even the sounds of the voices are the same. That you can not figure out which one is which, except from who says what.

Old: Evolved? Sure you have evolved. Now you give them injections, because you don’t want to hire a person to clean the blood on the floor, to clean the brain on the street. You have evolved alright. But you are even further from being human. There is no road that you shall tread that shall make you a human. No matter what you do, you shall always walk further from it. You and I are the same. Nature changes: not man.

Young: Is there any point in arguing with you? You are just a stubborn old man, who thinks he knows everything.

Old: And you are just a stubborn young fool who thing he knows everything.

What’s the difference? You are me, and I am you! And we are both wrong. Nature changes: not man.

Curtains Fall.

Monday, April 18, 2011

For The Last Trick In The Book

Give me back my soul

For the last trick in the book

After which I’m done

I’ll hang it on the hook

I don’t want your blood

Not even your round tears

Just keep away your smiles

And beneath hidden their fears

There is nothing you have done

That you apparently can

I sometimes wonder what you are

For it’s surely not a man

Just give me back my soul

For the last trick in the book

After which I’m done

I’ll hang it on the hook

Magic the unseen doorway

To the truth behind the lie

Your life’s about to crumble

And you about to cry

Let me put a soft spell

Upon your sleeping eyes

And preserve all your feelings

Before this night dies

Just give me back my soul

For the last quest in the book

After which I’ll be tired

And will hang it on the hook

What became of you Gulliver?

In your scarlet state of mind

To satisfy you pleasure

The poor torturously must die

All your travels have failed you

With all the world that you have seen

You haven’t changed one bit

From the monster you have been

Just give me back my soul

For the last trick in the book

After which I’m done

I’ll hang it on the hook

The high chaired men are fantasizing

Gold studded angels on their chest

After all their bullets have pierced

All those misguided young breasts

The judge with his arrogance

Does seem to be unsure

He keeps wondering always

Is he a man or a whore?

Give me back my soul

To play the last trick in the book

After which I’m done

I’ll gladly hang it on the hook

I thought we wouldn’t crumble

Forever be at peace

But man over man does stumble

Like shadow over shadow in deep trees

The hour of knowledge shall not return

Never shall magic sway my heart

The promises of forever have burnt

Another animal must make man’s start

Just give me back my soul

For the last trick in the book

After which I’m done

I’ll hang it on the hook

I don’t want your money

And I don’t want your change

Just give me all your troubles

Before you go insane

Once stop on your footsteps

And look back on the footprints

Is that the path you wished for?

To misery when it hints

Give me back my soul

To play the last trick in the book

After which I’m done

I’ll hang it on the hook

I see the wind still blowing

In the direction whistling before

Our hearts shall never change

Or change the tune of the lore

Will decisions mark our graves?

Or graves decide our fate?

Let magic play its tricks

And love conquer hate

Just give me back my soul once

I’ll play the last trick in the book

And once that I’m satisfied

I’ll never turn and look

Reason escapes my senses

As reasons cry in blood

Must man forever kill man?

Or love instead he should?

Where is the book of knowledge?

Where is the hidden tree?

I don’t want all the answers

Just want answers to find me

So just give me back my soul

For its magic plays the trick

And once after it has played

It shall stand like a stick

Wish your palms weren’t slippery

Your heart would stick too

Though between the sea and devil

You’ll take your pick too

There is just one life

And none shall ever return

Here lies all our laughter

And after, just silence stern

So make all your choices

And be sure of what you choose

For the misery might just kill you

If not your heart left loose

Give me back my soul

I want it one last time

And then you can keep it

Until you get tired

Nothing has changed since man

It’s still the same old joke

As boring as it could ever be

The first trick in the book

No whiskey helps any more

No beer can play the trick

Nothing can replace the feeling

When eyes have changed to bricks

I beg you give my soul back

And I’ll show you a surprise

There is in it nothing

Except your hushed round eyes

Just give me back my soul once

And I’ll kiss you with my tricks

And whisper the magic answer

Into your swollen lips

Just give me back my soul

And I’ll teach you the last trick

For once I’m gone forever

You’ll need it with your stick

Just give me back my soul

For the last trick in the book

And once I’m done with it

I’ll surely hang it on the hook.