Thursday, August 23, 2012

Texturing Exercise (Uranium Container)

* I Finally managed to texture paint something 'Completely'. All those other attempts had been crushed with one mistake or another. Not that this one turned out perfect. But still.

This is a kind of a nuclear rod container, which might have been lying around and over used. Something that has traveled with its contents around the globe. Hidden.

Criticism is welcome as usual. I also tried come camera effects in Max itself, since I wasnt rendering Passes. Anyhow. Until next time.



Sunday, June 17, 2012

Shading [SpeedPaint]

* Morning SpeedPaint. 
I figured now that I can make straight lines using the wacom, I should move on to form building. So this is the second of the lot. First being yesterday's ball. Which much to anyone's surprise was just a ball. Wallaa! :D

I was more interested in the shadows and highlights, so I didnt care what this turned out to be. But it was supposed to be something of a rock or a mountain. something like that.

Later then.

Kind of like a small pointed rock or something. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

StairWay [int.]

* Finally, I did something for myself. Such a relief it is. 

"If Wooster was to go to old Mr. Little's house today to make him understand that young Mr. Bingo Little's heart had once again been given. I think this would be the kind of staircase he would have to go to take the call, when young Bingo Little would call him." 

Took forever to render.
Forever = 4.5 hours.
Exposure gone wrong. (Apologies.) But I think still a good exercise. 

Dosent look too bad, does it now?

"Good egg, aeye?"

Interior Stairway

Friday, May 18, 2012

Sword [3D Modeling]

* Here comes a Sword. Its based off of some one else's design, though I made changes to it. Take it or leave it. To think of it, the fan is so that while slicing it produces some amount of electricity which puts some charge in the opponents body along with the cut. 

The model is extremely high poly. Above 6,00,000 Polygons or something. Hope to unwrap and texture this in some days. Shouldnt be very though this time. But too much work for now, so will have to wait.

Have phun!


Without Textures/Open Image in New Tab for Full Image Size

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Chair [Texturing]

* Now! Now. I figured that if I was to texture that bloody capsule, I would have to start by texturing smaller objects. Because after 5 days of attempts, I came to the conclusion that texturing is way tougher then I had imagined. So here goes a simpler object.

Later Then. 


Open in New Tab for Actual Resolution.

Monday, April 23, 2012

SpaceCapsule [UVWUnwarp]

 * Managed to unwrap this in two days. though even I can tell that its not the best unwrap in the world. But I think I ll go with it.

[My Motto In Life Now = Unwrap all Things UN-Unwrapped]

Texture from tomorrow. Either this will take long, or I will move on. In either case, I will not feel bad. I need to get my unwrapping correct.

Also did this stupid kind of light test. The white was looking a bit flat.

Lights of Karamboo.
Through the night they dare me to
To whisper four soft syllables blue
Fiery Fidgety

—: Faantaamos! You devil! Here I come! :—

p.s. Do not try to make sense of it. DO NOT!

Light Experiment


Friday, April 20, 2012

SpaceCapsule [Int.]

* Goollly! I managed this in 4 hours. Yeay! Theres a lot of things that need to be added. But since its late and tomorrow being a slightly bigger day then usual, I thought I'd stop here for now. I really really want to texture this one. Hopefully it wont turn out to be as lame as the last one (which I was too ashamed to post.) It was an old stadium sort of set up, with wooden seats and all that. but didnt turn out as I had hoped after being textured. 

And Yes, this is extremely high poly (forgot the number), with almost 2 NURM sub-divisions on each object. 

The lighting is odd for now, but will fix that with the texture.


This is this. 


Without Texture/Only Lights

Thursday, April 19, 2012

MechDesign01 [SpeedPaint]

* Very quick morning sketches. Made some 25 of these. But didnt like the rest. these 4 still made some sense. Though the 3rd one is a bit odd I think amongst these, due to its comparative size. It would be nothing less then a 100 times bigger in reality, if it were to be created.


Time Consumed = 30 Mins.

Yellow Jupiter! 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The House Of The Holy's

* Aha! Done one more. And as I keep doing more of these (as pathetic as they may be), I have come to realize that till the time they are made as exercise, I am in no compulsion to make them anything but that what I want to make them. Though I do completely agree that they should be believable. So it is.

one more exercise complete.

— Kind of like a place to chill and read. There seems to be more places to do everything and anything, then to read and chill. So I figured that if I remove every other commodity from the environment but some chairs and sofas (people might not come hehehhee :P :P). Joking. They would come to read and chill. Unless, of course, the junkies start coming. That wont be good either. But I am hoping that people will come just to catch up on reading. Leave your cell phones outside please. 


With Lights/Without Textures

With Lights and Texture

Monday, April 09, 2012

Waiting Room (Int.)

* Took a bitch of a time. This one. Some 7 hours for the final render. Moved some pieces in the final scene. There was not much thought to the scene. No pre-prod. Just randomly went on making things and putting them together. Turned out to be like a waiting room. Though I dont know of where. Glaring mistakes in this one as well, but I didnt have the courage to correct them and render again. Spot them for me if you may.

Blah! Blah! 

Have the funs'.

Lighting Without Texture

With Textures and Final Gather

Thursday, April 05, 2012

The Room Of Things

* Just some random texture exercise. Very simple model, very basic lighting, and some new textures. Yeay! The shadows are a bit off. But thats coz the render was taking too much time with it (40 minutes or so). So I offed it a bit. Still I guess not bad as a test. Want to "Drop"? :P :P :P

Come to think of it. I still need to figure the bloody wood texture though. It looks a bit off, dosent it?

This one is without the textures. Just the model and some lighting.

With texture, and some mixing of the above image for Ambient Occlusion [Didnt feel like taking a separate pass].
Later then...

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Head Model

* Alas I managed to make a head after I think 3 years of trying. What I mean by this is that the one's I had made before were not always consistent with quads. Anyways this is the first head. Hopefully I'll be making more soon.

Black And White [Ext.]

* Finally back on track. A very quick modeling and texturing exercise, just to get back. This could be a lot better if I would have unwrapped it by hand. but here I have only Used the regular Box maps. The sad bit is that the stairs at the back are not visible at all because of the draft quality of the render. Even then, this is this.


Softwares Used:

3ds Max 2010
Mental Ray
Photoshop CS4 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Architectural Rendering [Interior]

— Took about an era to make this one(some 10 hours straight). But by the end of it I think architectural renderings are way easier then anything organic (that being the biggest problem of my life!). Though, I really had to work this one up in Photoshop. All in all, a real fun experiment. [The lighting though might seem a bit dark, but that happened in the importing to jpg.]

Softwares Used:
3DS Max 2010
Photoshop CS4

Saturday, March 10, 2012

red dot tellyworks [Logo Design]

— Here are some of the bloody 55 options that I had not so creatively thought of for this company. I cant believe that these could be so lame.

1. I think I will never like what I make.
2. They never seem to fit any standard.
3. They are just annoyingly like something I must have seen. You know what I mean. 

Anyways, so this company is called red dot tellyworks. There is no reason why it is called that, so I basically had no brief for the logo. It could have been a monkey's arse, given that it looked good. But that would be very bad for their work so I didnt try.

Most of these are layouts, final renderings would be slightly different, with some amount of tones here are there, but the design would mostly be the same.

This one got finalized. And you will see it on your television screens now, before and after those shows that none of us watch. :D

Got selected...Tadang!

The rest are the options. I would like to write about each of them as well. But then there isnt much story to it, was just looking for a nice shape that could be worked on. Pretty Self-Explanatory! Not the brightest designs. [and yes, I am aware that some of them look like designs for chinese restaurants. ha ha ha!]



Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Monday, March 05, 2012

05.03.12 [SpeedPaint]

— Morning Paint.

— As I do more and more of this, I think I need to understand how to mix colors in photoshop. That one brush! although this is how a speed paint is.

The smudge tool dosent work properly. That is not the solution. opacity kills the feel. so there has to be some brush that works for mixing, like in coralDraw. Anyways. This is today. Hopefully I'll be putting up more today.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

04.03.12 [SpeedPaint]

— This was fun. 30 minutes. Though its a bit off in perspective,bu then I never said my perspective was any good without rulers and especially on the wacom. Its no good at all. Anyways, making up for the last two days. this is it. Some more designs coming up.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

01.03.12 [SpeedPaint]

— Todays SpeedPaint. Didnt turn out one bit as expected. color is going to kill me someday. It looks so bad! aaaah! But 30 minutes.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

29.02.12 [SpeedPaint]

— Another '30 Minute Speed Paint.' Though I think I should stop calling it that. even the last one was a bit over, and this one was a BIT bit over. :P took about 45 minutes. but still the idea remains the same I guess. And now that its done; I realize that the perspective on the watch tower is completely gone. Though it looks stylized (may be it does, I dnt know), the lines of perspective must be crying somewhere in a dark moist corner of the beautiful world of art theory. ha!

Anyways. Lots of mistakes. Should put more attention to the bloody mask! hark hark!


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

28.02.12 [SpeedPaint]

— Thats a 30 minute speed paint. it was almost excruciatingly fast. Stressful!

Its an awesome thing, this time the sketch thing though I cheated a bit, took me about 34 minutes. But I guess you can excuse the delay for beginners. There's surprisingly more to learn in it. coz you need to find shorter ways to do the same thing. 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Iong [Birthday Invite]

Iong's birthday is coming up, and like a good friend I was asked to participate. 'In that tone' she asked me, "Design the invite of my birthday na please." And I was too tired of the 3D anyway, so I thought I ll take a break.

Yeay! This is the aftermath of the break. Yas is threatening to break my skull. hehehehhee. I wish that I was a better friend and was actually there. I am so sure its going to be fun. Those khasi 'crazy arse' women.

Anyways. Happy Birthday Iong. (Growing old haan? hehehhehe :P ;))

I say, "Me love you long time. hahahhahhaha. :D :D"

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Showreel Start-Head

Ha! What do you think?

Thats the new 'Y' for the new 'ShowReel'.

I wish I could not have the name there aswell, that would be so much cooler. But that wont do. Oh! These wretched expectations that people have! Rules and what not. Anyways this is the start-head for the new showreel that should be up in a month. And I sure as hell hope this time its going to be a gaming company, and not some efedup VFX company that looks at it. [And now—aaa these wretched expectations on my part. hehehehhee.]

Next shot coming up in some time. Wait horses; wait.

For the time being. COMMENTS PLEASE!

"Yes, I also except free advise without refrain or remorse."