Friday, December 21, 2007

We Need Great Golden Copulations

The Birth Of Tragedy

Scene One

A white robe laden messenger appears on stage and comes straight to the centre stage. There is no light anywhere. And a spot light engulfs him.
He waits for the crowd to settle and thus begins his monologue

(With arms stretched, as if addressing the crowd to settle down, in a godlike manner)

(Messenger) Behold
I come this moment
From the house of the unseen;
The house of the lords;
The house of all; born and the dead.
As the messenger of my lord Hades,
The brother of Zeus.
And I bring you message of a great coming.
For this morning as, Helios
The sun god, came upon the horizon
The whole of the house of Hades fell silent
The soul of Dionysus,
The very heart of Hades,
The bringer of mysteries,
The god of wine and fertility
The god who they say makes you go crazy
Has run away, from this land I speak about;
And awaits his coming into your world.
He hides in a womb
And as Helios shall touch thy horizon
He shall be born;
As ….

Backstage we hear feet rushing and trying to calm down a pregnant woman and the nurses calling for doctors and thus, we see a great womb on the screen and we here a voice from inside the womb.

(Jim) I am the mystery king
I come to copulate and sing
To touch that feather
Of your innocent dove
I come to drown between
Your sweet settled love
Come follow me
Drink and be free
They will say I will be understood
Only when you would have gone;
Completely crazy.
Wake up!

We hear a child cry and sounds of greetings as being shared backstage, to signify the birth of a child.

(Jim) Silver syrup of thy lovely womb
I am born…
To begin the show!

(Messenger) As…James…Douglas…Morrison.

The light gently fades.

End of scene one

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