Saturday, December 22, 2007

Thoughts In Time And Out Of Season

The Birth Of Tragedy

Scene Three

Enter manager in a set up of sofa’s and couple of tables, to denote a comfortable cozy press conference.

(Danny) Hey guys!...How are we doing today?...Great, you should do good. Anyways, first and foremost I’d like to thank you all for coming here. I personally feel at times that being the manager of a band like the doors, is a job of Himalayan responsibility. And standing in front of you all gives me jitters…God only knows what you will ask and what I might have to cover up later, if you know what I mean. I hope you guys will chill for some time.

(First Rep) Hey Danny, don’t you think, your boy Jim is a bit crazy?

(Danny) No. (In a very composed manner)

(First Rep) Then probably you should better start thinking. (Trying to sound funny).

(Danny) Never you mind. He’s not affecting you anyways. When he does let me know. I’ll help you out. He my Jim.

Enter Robby, John, Ray and Jim. They go and each sit on the sofa. Where as Jim goes to the bar and makes himself a drink.

(Ray) Hey guys! good to see you all today. Though I remember some of you folks from the last interview. But I’d still take the liberty to introduce my fellow band mates. (Gesture of introduction) John…Robby…Jim…and that’s our great man,
behind the scene. Danny Sugerman.

In the meanwhile Jim comes and seats himself with his drink, and is smiling to a particular person in the crowd.

So you all wanna throw some catches at us now?

(First Rep) Yes, and on a serious note; do you think that your lyrics promote the usage of drugs?

(Ray) Well. (Smiles at Jim and Jim smiles back).

(First Rep) Well?

(Jim) Well. (In a very chilled out way)

(First Rep) Do you consider yourself a part of humanity?(Understanding that he is not going to get a reply, so he moves on.)

(Robby) Good question. (He’s not sure if should laugh or cry)

(First Rep) What do you have to say about your tag as the devils showmen?

(Jim) I didn’t know they wore leather pants in hell?

(John) Why does it always have to be all about drugs and chicks? We just play music.

(First Rep) Isn’t that the best way to hide all the evil deeds you do. Do what you do and then just smile innocently from behind the veil of music.

(Jim) You judge like god.

(First Rep) And you act like the Devil.

(Robby) Correct me if I am mistaken, but wasn’t the devil an angel? (Defensively)

(Danny) Stop it. I request you to please ask logical questions. This has nothing to do with the band. And so please refrain. The lady over there, please you may…

(Patricia) Aside from the Devil, what actually inspires the Door’s music?

(John) The idea of freedom.

(Jim) My cock.

(Danny) That was too original Jim.

(Patricia) Does it think on your behalf? (Walks on stage by now)

(Jim) It functions on my behalf.

(Patricia) So your muse lies below the belt!

(Jim) This is the muse girls love to use. My poetry comes from the shadow of the moon. (All are getting irritated)

(John) Are any of the questions and answers going to be products of the mind? (Completely irritated)

(Patricia) Does that imply that you believe in sorcery. (Ignoring the comment)

(Jim) Do implications become judgments of your reasoning?

(Patricia) My reasoning says one thing and the message is ‘I AM IMPRESSED’…By you…

(John) Why don’t you just take a room and fill in all the implications on a wet sheet. I am disgusted!

John gets up and leaves in a hurry. Ray and Robby leave as well. Danny hangs back. Unsure of what is going to happen next.

(Danny) I think that’ll be it for today.

Acts as if he is greeting the guys while departing.

(Jim) Hey! Will you die for me?

(Patricia) What? (Surprised)

(Jim) Lets get married. A pagan blood union of the eternal. Nothing would remain otherwise.

(Danny) Jim!

(Jim) Danny come now don't be so human.
(to Patricia) lets go…right now...get married.

Jim and Patricia walk out of the stage and Danny lingers on, a bit sad.

(Danny) Hey Jim what are you doing this for?...I know I am human Jim. I know that. Sadly Jim you aren’t. And it would have been a whole lot better if you were. But you are a god Jim, a GOD! And I am sorry for everyone you’ve touched. I really am.

Exit Danny. Lights fade to darkness, enter messenger, the soft red light engulfs her again.

(Messenger) Come now
Don't fret so much
Over what he says
Is and does.
He is amongst you
But not you.
You might try to understand him
Might pretend to understand him
But he shall forever
Sneak your

Lights fade to black.

Exit Messenger.

...End Of Scene Three...

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