Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Last Supper

The Birth Of Tragedy

Scene Four

Lights turn on. Robby opens the door of his house. Enter John And Ray.

(John) Happy birthday! (Shaking Hands)

(Robby) Thanks boy.

(Ray) Happy Birthday killer.(Shaking Hands)

(Robby) Who’s the killer man? You get all the girls, and I get all the gifts. What a horrendous killer I make? (laughing)

(Ray) (Laughs)

(Robby) Where’s mad man Jim?

(Ray) No idea! (Both look at John)

(John) Must be swimming in drugs and girls.

(Robby) Hey man its my birthday, please don't start today. I think he’s coming with Pam.

(John) That’s all right. But I seriously think we need to talk him out of his drugs and drinking. He’s loosing it now.

(Ray) I don't think I have ever said anything like this before, but I would be wrong if I contradicted you.

(Robby) He was such a shy guy! I don't know what happened to him. with all his talk of freedom. He’s something else now.

(John) He’s turned into the devil himself.

(Ray) I am not sure myself if he said all that for fun or he meant it, but now after all these years and transformation from a shy guy to a rock star, to the wittiest guy in conferences, he is coming to his end.

(Robby) From Jim to Dionysus to Nietzsche to Freud to the devil himself…right?

(John) Maybe, and to tell you the truth, its not the end of us, but just the end of him, the end of something that doesn’t deserve it. Some things wrong and I tell you that. And I don't want him to die. I think I really care for him. apart from all the fights we have.

(Robby) I know man, we all love him. We are just tired of baby sitting him.

(Ray) Anyways boy its your birthday. Lets cut this talk for now, and we’ll see what we can do when he comes.

(John) Please make yourself comfortable boys. I’ll get you the beer.

Bell rings. John opens the door. Enter Jim and Pam. Greetings are shared.

(Jim) Hey guys…I am back. (Smiling)

(John) We can see that. (All laugh)

(Robby) Thanks for coming Jim.

(Jim) Thanks for inviting Robby. (Smiles again) Happy birthday, boy. May we play for
long and forever.

They greet Pam one by one and make her comfortable.

(Robby) Now, now! Lets start. Please have a seat.

(Jim) Where’s the acid boys? (Taking the beer from his hand)

(Robby) Not today Jim, we’ll try to keep it cool today. And we really want to speak with you today.

(Jim) What could that be brethren?

(Ray) Something about you Jim. We think you are getting too deep into your drugs man. We really want you to get out of it.

(Pam) There is nothing wrong with him.

(Robby) There is nothing wrong with him right now, but sure as my name is Robby, there will be. And we don’t want that to happen.

(Pam) Nothing is going to happen. (A bit pissed, and defensive)

(Robby) Whatever you would like to believe. I know you love him, but make sure he stays around to be loved.

(Pam) Hey Robby don’t scare me.

(Jim) Are you all discussing my future. The future of the shaman?

(Ray) You are human Jim. Atleast in this room you are, and you are our friend. Please try and understand.

(Jim) Do you know when you’d die? Could you stop it if you knew? I do what I feel like doing.

(John) All that we are trying to say Jim is that we love you, and that we want you to stop your drink.

(Jim) I know everything. And I know I will die, when? Is a question. But that doesn’t matter, so I am going to live, and death is my friend. It cant hurt me anymore then life does.

(Robby) It not always about you getting hurt. Sometimes its about how hurt, the people you leave behind will be.

(Jim) So you wouldn’t be hurt if I died after some years?

(John) JIM! Please you are not even trying to understand.

(Pam) Nothing is happening so lets just enjoy.

(Robby) Ya may be that’s a better idea.

(Jim) Bring on the syrup of my desire and set me on fire. (Smiles)

John brings a cup full of something. All share the cup and seem to be in a trance.

(Jim) Adolph Hitler is still alive
I slept with her last night
Come out from behind that false mustache Adolph
I know you are in there.
Lots of trouble lots of loose,
A whole lot of nothing and nothing to loose

(John) Stop it Jim, you scare me.

(Jim) Don’t be scared John. I am here.

(Robby) I feel like I am going way up man!!

(Pam) Will you confront nature when you die?

(John) Nature is here in this existence.

(Jim) Nature is the mask of lie worn by all being in this sphere, we call on the angels to protect us from something that we can not see or feel. We petition the lord for protection from an animated imagination.

(Pam) I think you are right. We are all just one, and there should be no fear, not at least of another human. Are we cannibals? We have been bread on fear, and uncertain anxiety.

(Ray) You sound like him. (All laugh). But you know, there is only one source of everything. And we are all just raw forms of energy, changing form. What I don't understand is why all the energy is directed towards war?

(Robby) Because all the colors of the spectrum are not white. Everything is so purple now.

(Jim) I think it should be mandatory for all of mankind to smoke at least two joints a day. And the world will know peace right then. We need a new religion, one that does not survive on revenge and repentance.(Pauses for a while. And all are in a trance) .I think I can see the angel of death. I think he awaits me, to deliver me to the other world.

(Pam) You can’t leave me like this honey. You are going to wait until the opportune moment. Will you do that for me? Will you be there forever?

(Jim) No vastness is so vast that It would fill in eternity itself. But I promise you I will take you to the other land beyond time.

(John) But you are not god Jim.

(Jim) Neither are you.

(John) So how do you propose to take her all the way?

(Jim) This space in all its cosmology, is a will. And I will take you all with my will.

(Robby) Lets play some music. (Stands up suddenly)

(John) Yes, lets have some fun. Let us go on a pilgrimage to the
gods of music. Lets do it!!!

(Ray) I am far out man…you guys continue.

(Jim) I am all for you.

All get their instruments. John gets a table. Robby gets a guitar. And Jim stands up to sing. Pam is dancing to her own tune. And ray is lying on the ground, in a state of trance. They start to play.

(Jim) Work in progress; Take one.

What are they doing in the hyacinth house?
What are they doing in the hyacinth house?
To please the lions
This day.

I need a brand new friend
Who doesn’t bother me
I need a brand new friend
Who doesn’t trouble me
I need somebody
Who doesn’t need me

I feel the bathroom is clear
I know that someone is near
I feel that somebody’s is following me
Oh!! Yeaaa!! Yeaaa!!

Why did you throw the jack of hearts away
Why did you throw the jack of hearts away
Why did you throw that jack of hearts away
It was the;
Was the;
It was the only card in the deck that I had left to play

What are they doing in the hyacinth house
To please the lions this day

But I’ll say it again (Starts to cough)
I need a brand new friend
One more (More coughing)
Well I’ll say it again
I need a brand new friend
The end. (Gets into a fit of coughing, and falls on the floor)

Pam And Robby and John rush to him. Ray is still lying on the floor, but moving and turning to have a view of Jim.

(John) Are you alright?

(Pam) Jim.

(Ray) He’s just playing man. Up to his old tricks again.

(Robby) No. I think he’s serious now.

(Pam) Get up Jim. Please!! I request you. Get up.

Jim tries to take control of himself but it seems he cant.

(Pam) Jim I told you not to do all this, I reminded you on way Jim. And you promised. Now I am not going to listen to anything Jim. I am taking you to Paris. (Sounding a bit desperate)

(John) Take him to Paris? He cant even stand for all I know. Don’t you think its quite a far fetched thought.

(Robby) Shut up John. Lets take him inside.

All exit taking Jim on their arm. Pam follows. The music follows. Lights fade, enter messenger, a red soft light engulfs her.

(Messenger) You have seen the bright soft sad light
You have seen it coming from beneath the heap
You have wandered in myriad dreams
Before you crawl towards mellow sleep
You are choking when you were supposed to weep
No wonder you do what you do,
You are a son of the great deep.

Your time is coming through a vast lullaby
You are forsaken by the crowd of cursing flies
You knew you didn’t have time
You knew you didn’t have time
So you crossed the edges in your prime
But it all ends with the last line.
And nothing is the same and nothing defined
When you are dead and you are mine.

Fret not my child
Your father has the vehicle
Waiting for your drive
After you become the silent screaming.

Your time beckons you
To follow through
To follow through
To break on through
To the other side.
My son now you can’t run
From the great divide
Of the living and…the…Great.

Lights fade to black.

Exit messenger.

…End of Scene Four…

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