Friday, December 28, 2007

My Bad...

"Don’t swallow your food. Chew it.", the darling mother said. She wanted her child to live long. “Not chewing your food properly, effects your digestion. If you want to live long, you need to chew your food properly". How strange was her love; her wish. How could she guess, that food would be the only reason of demise, in this strange and sordid world without choice.

"You have to listen to your mother", spoke a gentle male voice, “Son."

The day of crumbling had far approached. The rumblings of sin had long been mounting. No deed was right, in its effect. The holy books saved no one from their eventual deaths. The day of judgment is here. God is calling, listen! we have to hear. HE arrived on the scene, the omnipresent, the all knowing; in a great chariot, driven by slaves; his personal disciples; angles we call them. He summoned all to attend.

The vast eternity was too small for his voice. It reached the further ends of the void. Of this universe. Of all being. The earth had become full of evil, so the creator had decided to shut off the seen; seeing. He had had enough! He stood upon some strange psychedelic platform of drifting colors. It seemed like a vast ocean of creativity. Man could have swum in it and discovered; himself. But it would have been blasphemy. You do not share gods knowledge. We were to live in ignorance, for philosophy was a sin. And we had to do good. Because good is the only route to attain the kingdom. But the good was not good, because to understand good we had to attain the knowledge of it. And hence would have sinned. So no one knew what good was. Man was just meant to be manipulated by ignorance. And our great lord was tired, of man’s ignorance.

“Now listen, I summon ye all. To this platform. The day of judgment is here. And all shall leave their bodies. And all souls shall drift towards this place. Ye shall all be judged in a moment. All the souls; the born, the dead and the once to be born. All ye shall be judged. And thy lord, me, shall be just. You can not question my judgment, for ye do not know as I know. And so come forth.”

And so the earth crumbled. And all of life turned to death, and flew, towards the omnipresent. And god started to judge, and condemn. All the holy ghosts struggled and opened the holy gates. Sudden light floated from inside. It filled in the space, it was deafening, loud and arrogant. It seemed to be deaf. It just had its own ways. Where it went was light, and the rest for it was only darkness. This was its understanding. The angels had opened the doors of heaven for those who would tread the stairs.

There were fathers and mother and sister and brothers, waiting in a long cue. All saying that god only knew. There were priests and pastors and communal charters, confident enough to know. The kingdom of heaven was theirs. There were more, but god only knew who they were, for no one knew them. They hadn’t been born here.

And each man’s soul came to the place and all his sins came flying from the deepest corners of some dreadfully dark maze. Alas! The burning world of sin was greatful to the king; the omnipresent. The souls kept flying anew. All were condemned for a reason or two. The stairway lay silent. None reached it as yet. And then came the turn of the gentle father and the mother and the son.

The son was a young boy of 6. His soul was hardly his. He didn’t even know what was going on. Such a pity for someone so small. His father was good and able. Young as he was, had tried to teach his son to be capable. His mother, oh! The caring fountain. The lovely beauty as she was. No sin could come of her. And they stood as a family in the presence of the omnipresence.

“Child ye have sinned! For ye did not listen to your mother.”
“Oh! Lord no forgive him”, cried the mother in agony of the future.
“Woman ye have sinned, for ye do not question my judgment. And ye son of man, the father of this ignorant child, and husband to this immoral woman, ye have sinned aswell, for ye took to scold your son. When in creating ye I made a gentle creature, never to harm. Ye have sinned for ye raised your voice”.

“Is there anything else my lord, that I have sinned for, or my family?”

“No ye have sinned no more. Ye have kept better then the others. But ye have sinned non the less, and did not repent. Ye did not lament after ye had sinned, and thus ye shall be put to hell”.

“As you command my lord, I would be most unhappy if I had not sinned, for I wouldn’t be able to live without my family”

“Son of Adam, ye are ignorant, ye do not know what ye say. I am the judge, and I am lenient, and forgiving, only ye had to repent”.

“Yes my lord, god, I can see that you are all you say you are, all they had said you would be”.

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