Saturday, December 22, 2007

No Eternal Reward Will Forgive Us For Wasting The Dawn

The Birth Of Tragedy

Scene Six

There is a grave in the middle of the stage. Enter Ray and Robby and Danny on stage, John is lagging behind.

(Ray) Hurry up John, we want to see his grave.

(John) You guys carry on, I’ll catch up at my own speed.

Robby is mournful and just looks back at John, but doesn’t say a word.

(Danny) I don’t know how to explain my grief. He was such a boy, I don’t think he will ever be replaced.

(Ray) He doesn’t deserve to be replaced Danny. Hold your senses. We’ll see him again in the other world.

(Danny) There is no other world, there is this and once someone is gone there is only grief for the one’s left behind.

(Ray) Come on Danny, I am sure Jim expected you to come wearing a hearty smile. And say words of love to him. Just show your love Danny. We are all sad. We all miss him.

(Danny) May be! (With a bent head).

They reach the grave.

(Ray) I never knew I would miss him as much as I do.

(Robby) You are right at that. (In an undertone)

John reaches the grave.

(John) That’s it?

Robby looks up at him, sad yet surprised. All the others ignore him. Danny walks up to the stone and touches it with love. Ray stands at the side staring at his grave.

(John) How did he fit in there? He was above six feet! This is too small for him!!

(Robby) John!! He’s dead now, please stop it. (On the verge of crying)

(John) I am serious! Look at that.

(Ray) You want to say something you can to his grave but just stop the stupidity. (Pauses) I think I’ll walk back to the car. You guys coming?

(Danny) I cant stand here I feel like half of me is dead. I think it would be better to go.

(John) Just give me two minutes. You guys proceed I’ll join you.

(Ray) Alright

Robby and Ray and Danny Exit. The way they had come.

(John) (Keeps staring the grave for some time) (In a very malicious angry tone he starts) So there you ARE!? Dead! Gladly gone to the kingdom of doom, is it? I hope you found your land of wine and wisdom and feasts! I hope they are treating you like a king. Such a fool you were. Took your girlfriend with you, or was she your wife?...No…You had married that reporter right? What’s her name? (Ponders) Patricia. Why did you do it all? Was this what you were born to do? Die on us? You almost killed me with you. But I am glad you are dead. Really glad. I hope you are having a nice time, in your own box.
(Mixed emotions, he is getting a bit sad) Were you human at all? Did you have any feelings? For anyone? Did you ever think of anything except yourself. You self centered moron. Were you for real? I don’t know what kept me attached to the band. But if you wouldn’t have died, I would have. I was tired of you and your pranks. And you knew that didn’t you? Ignored it all with that innocent smile of yours. What were you Jim? What were you? I didn’t understand you Jim. I never did? (Begins to cry) Nobody did. You were far ahead of your time Jim. Too much to take in one go. I didn’t hate you Jim. (Weeping) No I didn’t! I loved you too. I was just confused. And I was tired of baby sitting you. I think it was all our fault. I think we could have stopped you from doing this to yourself. But we were too scared. It was our fault. May be you were trying to say something and we didn’t understand. WE DIDN’T UNDERSTAND! Why didn’t we stop you? I don’t know and may be I will never forgive myself for it! We could have stopped all those girls from filling your mind with all the crap. From you going over board. But just like you; even we didn’t understand Jim. And you took it too far. You stretched it all and it snapped. And we just stood there, amazed, watching how you lasted all the time that you did. I am sorry Jim. I really am. Give us one more chance Jim. Just this once. I will stop you Jim. I will be your friend. One that you didn’t have in this life. I will be there Jim. We will all be there. Please come back Jim Please! come back! (Pleading). (Weeps and puts his head on the grave.)

Lights fade to black.

...End Of Scene Six...

...The End...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.