Saturday, December 22, 2007

Rabid Foaming

The Birth Of Tragedy

Scene Two

Ray, Robby, John and Danny, the manager, are sitting in the recording studio. They look tired and angry, except for Ray. He is happily busy trying to figure out something new for the next song. The others are discussing. Robby is sitting on the floor. The manager is anxiously moving around. And John is beating the sticks on his legs.

(The manager says something and laughs. But his anxiety is obvious in his laughter)

(John) What are you joking for man?

(Danny) oh please!!

(John) fuck you!

(Danny) Relax I am as disgusted as you are!

(John) I know! Why cant he just be on time! give his band some respect they deserve.

(Danny) Though I love him more then anyone else in this room, I would still say, I wonder if he was on time when he was born. (raises his arms in disgust)

(John) Ask the lord! Friend!

(Ray) Oh give him a break; for crying out loud, will you?

(Robby) Hey (attracts attention, with his hands) listen to this.

(Ray) Ya man go on, these bunch of whiners will never stop.

(John) What you protecting him for, all the time?

(Robby) Knock it off John.

(John) No!! that man is insane, he fucking drinks and goes home and screams, just so he can disgust the hell outta his folks man. He is weird man!

(Ray) He’s just Jim, our old boy Jim and Nietzsche’s left him fear less. So why don't you leave him alone.

(Danny) Ya man lets practice, that dropout, doesn’t have any ethics. You remember the way he walked out of college? I wouldn’t be surprised if someday he chooses to just walk out of the band. (says the last part with greater emphasis)

(John) I am as unsure of his walking out, as I’m of his walking in man. Where in the fucked up name of the greatest mammal is he?

(Danny) There he comes!(whispers under his breath)

Jim walks in, with a bottle of whiskey and carelessly loiters around, all of them. As if he heard everything and doesn’t care. He goes to the centre stage and sits down. Pam enters stage with a glass of water, as Jim sits, and greets all. They all greet her, except John. Ray and Robby call Pam to hear the new tune as they have it, Robby shows her the new lyrics. The manager goes behind John, as if to hide, and then starts to speak.

(Danny) Do you think you are late?


Hey I asked you something.

(Jim) Would you believe everything I say? (takes a sip)

(Danny) NO! (As if that was his eternal judgment)

(Jim) Then why ask?

(Danny) Because I want you to realize that there’s money involved and that you waste it royally.(completely irritated)

(Jim) I have better things in cue to realize. Do you want to start?

(Ray) Hey Jim…you read about what they wrote about your childhood man?

(Jim) (Takes another sip) No.

Ray points to Robby and Robby brings out a piece of paper from his pocket. But its not the one, then he searches another pocket, and brings out another piece of paper. And reads, while looking at Jim, Ray, Pam and the audience. The manager walks out of stage.

(Robby) This is what it says man. “It so appears that the lead singer of the band ‘the doors’ is not so much of a man to be trusted. Behind all his confidence. Is a deep rooted lie. His current claim as to his being an orphan is a forged lie, to accumulate some sort of sympathy from his fans. And happens to be just a publicity stunt. His parents, both of them are still living, and prosperous…blah blah blah”…and so on and so forth.

(Silence, Jim is casually sipping his drink, Pamela is surprised)

What you gonna do now?

(John) Look what you have done? Now all that we have earned will be lost. All because of your one lie. Couldn’t you just keep your mouth shut.

(Jim) Fear is the loom for all failure. The whole world revolves around one symbol, the great forest of death. You want to win the world, win it in one stride, before you walk languidly inside the tomb of freedom and wish; And don’t look back! I don’t care what people thought and think, because the day I start caring about what they think, they’d stop thinking.

(John) For all I know you just sounded like an electric train tripping over a cowboy hat.(sarcasm intended)

(Jim) We trip over all sorts of hats my friend, but this world is left listless by those who crush. We are content in the 'given' in sensation's quest. We have been metamorphosised from a mad body dancing on hillsides to a pair of eyes staring in the dark. You begin the show; leave the show; no matter how…Become the show!

(Robby) Hey drum boy, give me some beats. Here’s the new tune, and please stop your banter.

John raises his arms or shows his amazement at the crowd by some other form of body language. To show his surprise at him always being blamed for everything.

(Pam) Hey I think its really good. Hey Jim why don’t you give them the lyrics from your poem the moonlight drive. I think it will fit the tune.

John expresses disgust and distrust towards the crowd, the rest wait as they trust Jim and his writings.

(Ray) Ya Jim come on man, lets show the crowd what you got man. Lets make this one as good as your movie back in college man. And we’ll rise behind the sun the next morning.

(Jim) (Jim stands up and goes to the centre stage. All of them prepare to play the tune. Jim starts to sing).

Lets swim to the moon aha,
Lets ride in the tide,
Penetrate the evening,
As the city sleeps to hide,
Lets swim out tonight girl,
Its our turn to try,
Parked beside the evening, on a,
Moonlight drive.

John looks at Jim in amazement. He is confused as to what to say. He could not figure out what sort of a lyric that was. The rest are glad. Really glad.

(John) What the fuck was that? Do you know that one word should relate to the other to make a complete sentence?

(Robby) I think it was good. Really good, I think it was better then what they write these days. Amazing imagery! And it’ll fit. Jim man you are the lizard king; you can do anything !

(To john) Why do you want everything spoon fed to you. Cant you for once be glad when everyone else is glad.

(John) That was creepy man. And I really don’t care what you think of me. But that was creepy personified. And no one will like it.

(Jim) Real poetry doesn't say anything, it just ticks off the possibilities, opens all doors. You can walk through any one that suits you. If my poetry aims to achieve anything, it's to deliver people, from the limited ways in which they see and feel."

(Robby) You have been breastfed with your art man. Try to think out of that box of symbols you already have in your head.

Manager enters with a glass of water and a newspaper. Hands the newspaper to Pam. She begins to read in a very animated manner.

(John) You all sound frustratingly like him man!

(Ray) What the fuck are you talking about? If you are so good at criticizing, then why don’t you write some lyrics like Robby does. Lets see what you got.

(Danny) Hey you guys stop now. Enough we aren’t sitting here for free. Do you guys plan to play and record or fight over every damn thing you could probably think about to fight on, and find more when you are done with that subject.

(Jim) Gone are the days of the dancers on the hill side where soft music lulled strange thoughts and calmed the spectrums of our mind. But I want it to continue, today and tomorrow, and there after. Don’t stop the music, don't fight over me, not for me. Remember we are a band, we stay a band, John. ONE BAND!...(casually goes to the mike, and pointing towards the back of the stage as if talking to someone)…hey boy get the tape moving. Ray you think you can fit some music to this before the conference?

(Ray) We’ll try Jim.

(Jim) Alright!

Before you slip into
I’d like to have
Another kiss

Pam rushes to Jim and slaps him.

(Jim) Hey honey, why? You are the one. You’re my girl.

(Pam) No Jim it ain’t true(reads from the newspaper) “The rock magnet has had another flinging night of stardom. This time in an alcohol flamed encounter with Janis Joplin, that led Janis in tears.”


(Jim) Hey honey it wasn’t meant to be.

(Pam) No Jim…no excuses! (screams in desperation) Please! why do you have to do this every time. You promised Jim, you promised!(crying violently)

Pam exits stage in a hurry; crying.

(John) There goes the last chance of a peaceful recording.

(Robby) Oh! shut up John! (completely irritated).

(John) Why do I even think of stopping in. I have no idea why I stick to the band. This man will drive me crazy. (pointing towards Jim. Stands up violently and walks out).

All exit after John, to persuade him to come back, except Jim. Pam re-enters stage.

(Pam) (pleading) Hey Jim! Come lets go. You weren’t born for this Jim. Come with me. We’ll go to Paris. You can write there Jim. You can be a writer. Publish your work. Write all the scripts you wanted to make into movies. Finally be what you always wanted to be. You are a poet Jim, a poet.

(Jim) “Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh”

(Pam) What does that mean Jim? (completely confused at his sudden ejaculation)

(Jim) I am what I am honey! I am in this moment a multitude of perspectives. I am nothing infact and everything in thought, I am this moment, and this moment is here. I enjoy it, till it is in itself confused. No Paris can do to me what America has already done. (Pam looks completely helpless)
I love you Pam, lets go.

Exit Pam and Jim. Enter messenger. All lights fade and a red soft light engulfs the messenger, and he starts his monologue.

(Messenger) Do…as you wish;
Swim in this void of time
As a hungry fish.
And time shall come,
And greet you someday.
Heal you of life,
And take you away.

Go my child!
I was ordained to;
Watch over you.
To bring you back soon,
Thus summoned your father,
But your deeds lead you
Faster to him,
Then my fastest wings.
Soon you will play again,
In the land of the kings.

(And speaking with the crowd now)

And all who follow him,
Shall soon see a great mist.
The power of reality,
Will simplify your list,
And your thoughts will be confused,
And long lost and gone.
He shall bring to your bosom,
The last purple song.
He is the king of mysteries
Lord “Dionysus”
After all!...

The lights fade to black.

Exit messenger

…End of scene two…

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